Chapter 17. Alpha

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I started hyperventilating.
Why me? I can't fight him! He's huge, and the baby had to be protected.

But another Voice in my head piped up. My alpha voice.

"He hasn't noticed you yet. Charge him. Make him pay for the death of your alpha."

So I charged. I ran at him and shifted, claws unsheathed, with the new power of the alpha coursing through my veins.

I landed in his back, raking my claws through his flesh, biting into his neck.

I continued to attack until he threw me off, sending me flying.

I turned in the air to prevent landing in my stomach.

"So it's you," he said with a snarl,"a young girl, and pregnant no less. Is this all your pack could muster? Because it looks to me that after I'm through with all of you, Blue Moon will be finished."

He laughed a heckling laugh.

I tried to move, to stand up, but couldn't move.

He crept up to me, fangs bared.

"When I'm through with you, you'll be nothing but shreds of blood and baby." He whispered menacingly.

All of a sudden a blur of fur smashes into his side, sending him flying into a rock face.

"Not if I can help it" Luke snarled, stepping in front of me, protectingly.

"You dare defy your Father? Your Alpha?!" He screams.

"You are no father of mine, and not my alpha for much longer."

This side of Luke is dark, powerful, and strong. This is not him, but it's the him he needs to be right now.

Luke pounces, claws drawn and fangs bared. The two tumble and roll, none gaining the upper hand.

Blood is shed. Skin is torn. The bloody fight shows no end.

All of a sudden, Luke is pinned on the edge of the cliff. Half of his body is hung over the edge, the other half stabilizing him.

"You think you can win? I am the alpha! I trained you! This is my pack! I..." he trailed on. I wasn't listening.

All I could see was Luke's eyes, staring at me. Full of longing. Full of pain.

I thought that he was gonna do something to pull through.

He was gonna kick him over the cliff somehow, even though I would be a difficult move.

I watched his father for a second, rambling on and on about how he had won.

Then I looked at Luke. He was crying.

He mouthed the words "I love you".

Then he smiled.

Then he leaned back.

Then they fell.


Wow chapter 17. This was supposed to be a quick 8 chapter story.

Guess not.

But it's the last chapter next!

Finally it's over!

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