Chapter 12. Taken

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"What did I ever do to you?" Luke asks, confused.

"You stole my one true mate." He said angrily.

"She's my mate, assbutt." He said, quoting supernatural.

"And now," he said, ignoring Luke," you got her pregnant! This baby is gonna be so messed up, Black Thorn."

Oh crap, he smelled his scent.

Then something occurred to me and I started to panic.

"Luke," I whispered," he's probably using his mind link to contact my Alpha. You need to leave."

"I'm not leaving you with this monster." He growled.

He then stepped in front of me protectingly.

"Luna, I need you to run. I can hold him off while you get out of here."

"No. I can't leave you." I growled back.

"Please" he looked at me with his huge eyes. "If anything happens to you or the baby, I couldn't live with myself.

Without giving me a chance to respond, Graydon charged Luke, already in wolf form. Luke skillfully dodged him, and shifted himself. 

I watched until I saw blood, then I ran, not looking back. I ran until something was in my way: Alpha Greg.

"What are you doing here, Luna?!" He demanded.

"Graydon's gone crazy! He's attacking another wolf, and there's blood!" I yell out.

"Is this wolf with us?" He asks.

"No, he's from Black Thorn..." I start.

"BLACK THORN? He will pay for trespassing!" He yells.

He charges in and I follow, worried about Luke.

As we're almost at the room, I hear them fighting. Snaps and snarls and the cracking of bones.

All of a sudden, we here a huge crack and a whimper, then silence.

We turn the corner and see Graydons body, limp on the floor, and Luke, in human form, on his knees.

"SEIZE HIM!" Alpha Greg yells at the Betas.

"No! Don't hurt him!!" I yell out.

"Luna, precious, you know the laws. He crossed our borders without notifying me, and killed Graydon!"

"IT WAS SELF DEFENSE!!" I scream at him.

"We have not proof of that. I'm sorry, but laws are laws. He will be excecuted at dawn." He said, voice calm.

I beg for Luke's life. I plead and even offer my own life but he is not swayed.

I watch helplessly as my packmates drag away my love.

As the silhouettes disappeared, I ran into the room, tears running down my face, threatening to drown me in sorrow.

I clutch my stomach, telling myself to be strong for the baby, but I can't hold it together.

A few hours later, I hear a knock.

"Luna?" It's JJ. "Are you in there?"

"Leave me alone." I grumble.

She opens the door anyway.

"Luna? I know it must have been traumatic, I know, but we've got to get through this. Seeing Graydon die at the hands of that evil, cold blooded, Black Thorn Scum." She spat.

I started crying harder. The thought of him made me hurt all over.

JJ spoke again, "What is it?"

I stared into her eyes.

"That 'evil cold blooded, Black Thorn scum' was my mate."

She clasped her hand over her mouth.

"Oh my God." She whispered, barely audible.

"And you know what else?" I said, placing my hand over my stomach, "I'm pregnant."

She stared at me in shock.

After a few minutes of tense silence, she crawled on to our bed and wrapped her arms around me.

"I'm so sorry..."


Thanks to all of you who made it this far. So far no one has read up to chapter 9 yet so thanks for leaving me hanging. Also, leave comments.



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