Chapter 1: Purple Eyes

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"Oh fluffernutters," the childish words stumbled out in the enormous forest, birds chirping their merry songs.

Evangeline, or Eva for short, knew she was in trouble the moment she slipped in the mud puddle. Her new dress that Nanny made for her brother's feast was completely ruined with a large brown stain on the back and front.

She was in trouble for sure, all she had wanted to do was take a few minutes to pick some flowers as a gift for her brother, Prince Thomas. To any ten year old having their brother being knighted was a magical time and she had to ensure he received an extra special gift from his sister.

Biting her lip Eva began marching towards the small stream further into the woods away from the castle.

Shimming out of the dress Eva began attempting to clean the dress herself with some fresh spring water. Tears began to fall down her cheeks as she realised she was only making it worse. The muddy blotches on the soft clothe of her dress seemed to have grown with the addition of water. Now she would be punished for ruining her new dress and for leaving the palace without Nanny.

A clearing of one's throat sounded behind her and Eva spun around to see a tall man with dark hair and funny purple eyes staring down at her. He was as big as her brother with wide shoulders. His clothing was covered up by the large cloak he was hidden in, but Eva could see his leather boots poking out.

Eva screeched and pulled her dress in front of her, "Who are you, where did you come from?"

The stranger held up his hands and as he did so Eva noticed he was only wearing a white tunic and black pants with a shiny belt, a necklace gleamed from his neck holding a bright green stone tied up by a piece of leather, "I am very sorry miss I didn't mean to frighten you, I heard you crying and wanted to make sure you weren't hurt."

Trembling Ava looked the man up and down noting the large sword with the hilt of a dragon's head attached to his hip, "Are you a soldier for my father?"

"Your father?" the stranger looked very confused.

"The King of course, I only ask because I can't imagine a commoner having that pretty sword." Eva attempted to take in every detail before the man covered it with his cloak.

The man smirked at her, "I have never had anyone call it pretty before, but sadly no I am not a soldier just a traveler of sorts, so you must be the princess then? "I haven't been to Esos since i was a little dr-boy and I did not know the kingdom had a princess."

Eva giggled at that statement and wondered where he was from to have such an accent, "Oh well for my safety I am not supposed to be outside of the palace walls but I am almost 10 years of age now and I just wanted to grab some flowers for my brothers feast tonight."

The man nodded, "Yes I did see that there was a flurry of activity happening near the palace."

"Thomas is to be knighted today, he is very brave, he will be king one day." Eva felt a little shy for bragging about her brother to this strange man.

"Well you must be very proud of him then, you know since it is his day, I image he will be getting a lot of gifts."

"Yes I suppose," Eva threw her muddy wet dress over her linen shift and fidgeted with her hands, "I am to stand quietly by Mama and Papa and only speak when spoken to like a lady should but I have ruined my dress in the mud, Mama and Papa will be so angry, my Nanny told me I was not to play in this dress."

Tears began to flow down her cheeks again as Eva cried into her hands. The man knelt before her and tried to console her but not touching her outright.

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