Chapter 2: 8 Years Later

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8 years later....

Evangeline stood on the cliffs of Esos overlooking the deep blue sea. There was a storm brewing in the south. It must be an omen.

Sighing Evangeline turned towards her dapple grey horse, Tilly, that was tied to a loan birch tree. Tilly gave a low nicker as Eva approached.

"Well Tilly I guess we must return before Thomas and Mother discover I am missing."

Untying the reigns Evangeline looked once more over the horizon as the sun began to rise peaking out over the dark clouds, "Perhaps it will be a good day after all, just my luck."

Tilly nickered once again and gave Evangeline a nudge to her back.

Smiling at her silly horse she flung herself up onto the saddle and slowly allowed Tilly to guide them back to the forest floor and to the paths that led them back to the kingdom of Esos.

As Evangeline entered the forest and made her way to the small clearing where her personal guard was waiting she couldn't help but remember back to when her mother and brother came to her with the supposed good news.

Eva had just turned sixteen years of age but did not feel like celebrating, having lost her father and little brother to fever that winter.

She had recently taken to drawing on parchment in her father's solar at the large bay window overlooking the town square and palace courtyard. This was where her mother and older brother, the new King of Esos, Thomas, found her quietly drawing and sketching a new horse that was being drilled in the training yards.

The old oak doors of the solar creaked as they opened, Isadora peeked her head in to ensure no one else was in the room and pulled her son into the room with her shutting the doors quickly.

"Mother, is everything okay?" Eva set her parchment and charcoal down on the table next to the window sill.

"Well darling, we have something of importance to discuss with you. Perhaps this is something your brother should discuss with you," her mother pushed the reluctant Thomas forward and he shot his mother a grim look before clasping his hands behind his back and strode forward keeping his eyes on Eva.

"Recently Eva, I have attempted to rekindle our ties with the Kingdom to the East, Estoria. The King Karon agreed to open negotiations and we have finally reached an agreement that will benefit both kingdoms greatly."

Smiling Eva stood and took her brothers now outstretched hands, "That is marvelous news Thomas, our people will benefit so much from the new trade routes, Estoria has access to so many spices, fur trades and agriculture! Papa would be so proud of all you have done."

Thomas winced a little and led Eva over to the window sill again their mother was wringing her hands behind Thomas obviously worried about how the conversation was proceeding.

"One of the stipulations is King Karon would be married, of course only a princess would do," Thomas paused assessing Eva's face for comprehension.

"Thomas, you are not planning on hosting a "marriage mart" feast are you? Eloise says they occur all the time in the bigger cities with women fighting over any eligible man with any title they can sink their talons into." Eva made a face of disgust and pursed her lips at her friends description.

Thomas and Isadora gave eachother a look and Thomas was about to speak up but Isadora interrupted, "King Karon's offered for you darling! Isn't it wonderful!"

Stunned Eva froze trying to take it all in, "Me? But I have never met him nor do we love each other at the least. Papa always said i should marry for love. It doesn't matter anyway I am only 16 years of age. I don't understand why me?"

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