Chapter 4: The Wedding

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Henry looked grim, "King Karon has these Draki people in cages. They put Mara in one with a few other women and, from what I gathered, the women are used as chattel, pleasure slaves, mostly. The other Draki men are used in King Karon's fighting pits. Apparently, though, none have turned into a dragon. The maid I was speaking to said King Karon is very angry about this. Many of them he captured on a raid of an island to the south of his borders."

"How awful! Just because they follow the Draki customs?" Eva couldn't imagine the horrors these people must have faced.

"Apparently, they are pure blood Draki but that's yet to be determined. The stories say the Draki people could transform into dragons. I think it's all pure hogwash, my lady." Henry spoke up again, not wanting to believe the bedtime stories he was told as a child.

"Those poor people, we must do something." Eva bit her bottom lip as she paced the solar floor.

Eloise spoke up then her face brightened with a plan, "My Lady, perhaps we could free them."

Henry looked outraged at Eva's maid's idea, "No! My Lady, this is a matter to be discussed with the King, perhaps after you are married you may convince him to release the people. Until then, don't go anywhere near them. They are in the field camps. It is no place for a princess and, if you were caught, it could mean your death."

Nodding, Eva smiled at Henry, "Thank you for everything, Henry. I will be truly upset when I must leave you to simply guard my brother."

Henry laughed, "It is a full time job you know."

At this he bowed and left the solar, giving Eloise a glare on his way out.

Once Henry was out of sight, Eva took Eloise's arm and the two proceeded to make their way down to the lower gardens. Eva hummed a soft tune as they went and Eloise looked very nervous.

"Eva, where are we going? We have walked this garden in a complete circle three times."

"I am just doing so to ensure we are not followed." Eva made a show of inspecting some roses that were not yet ready to bloom before walking on.

As they rounded a hedge that hid them from sight, Eva ducked down, "Eloise, you must find cloaks, knives and food to give to those poor people. I don't care what Henry says. What King Karon is doing is wrong. We will free them before the wedding."

"Before the wedding! Oh, Eva, you will get us killed." Eloise shook her head and sent a prayer to the gods for their safety.

"The guards and peasants will be too busy celebrating to notice us slip out and around the field. Once the Draki are released, we will give them gold to make their way to the coast and they should be able to barter a ship to passage them home." Eva smiled with glee her plan made so much sense, it was foolproof.

Eloise nodded, "But Eva..."

"No buts. Ensure it is all ready. Once it is come to me in my chambers and we will set off."

The two separated near a servants entrance to the castle. Eva tried to appear innocent as she made her way back to her chambers. However, on the way she bumped into her mother, Isadora, who was practically bursting with excitement over the wedding.

Isadora hugged her child close, "Oh, my love, tis your wedding day, I only wish your father could be here today."

"So do I, mother. Thomas asked if he could walk me down the aisle in father's place."

"Oh how wonderful. I saw your dress as the dressmaker delivered it. It is simply beautiful!"

Eva giggled, "It is very beautiful but I worry I might trip and fall! What if I rip it!"

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