Epilogue: 1 Month Later

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Eva sat on the throne of her homeland castle looking over the Draki council members who sat among the former Estoria and Esos council members. Running her hands over the red silk of her dress Eva watched as a few more men filtered in.

Following behind them was Daeron, healed from the poisonous blade. He was smiling at her as he strode through the group of council members. Young and old they bowed to him as he passed.

Eva palmed the hilt of Argal that was sheathed into the arm of her throne. Feeling the hum of the power shift through her, Eva sighed shaking it off. She did not wish to become drunk on such power like Karon or the seer, Notia had.

Focusing on her mate Eva could not help but smile at her mate who was paying them all no heed as he came to stop before the dais steps of her throne and gave Eva a wink before bowing waiting for her to acknowledge him.

Eva laughed at his antics and waved her hand at him to approach, "You are late."

Daeron chuckled and collapsed into the throne to her right, "I apologize my Queen, I was welcoming our visitors."

Eva shook her head, "You know as well as I do you only wished to scare the Queen Rhea of the West by welcoming her in your dragon form."

Daeron laughed, "She may have looked a tad frightened but her large guard is at the ready to act as her protection. She will be ready to homage to you tonight during the feast."

Eva shook her head at her mischievous mate before turning to look over the room, "Where is Thomas? I told him he must make an effort to attend these meetings. Where is Raiden?"

Raiden appeared next to her causing Eva to jump in fright, "You called, my Queen?"

"Will I ever get used to your appearing acts?" Eva scolded him only to smile kindly at him a moment later.

Raiden chuckled, "I am a shade, my Queen. We manipulate the shadows to our advantage, as I have told you so before."

Eva shook her head, "I really don't understand how it is possible."

Daeron took Eva's hand, "Yet you believe in dragons my lady and share your bed with one might I add?"

Eva gasped, "Daeron hush. Raiden, have you seen... oh, Thomas." Eva's voiced trailed off as her brother appeared in the room silencing all talk amongst the council members present. A pack was slung over his shoulder and he wore a cloak and warm clothes.

Thomas walked slowly to the dias and gave a small bow. Eva rose, holding out her hand to him only to have her brother stare at it, "Thomas you are still my brother, nothing has changed in that regard. You do not need to conform to such traditions."

"Things have changed, sister. I tried to kill you and I almost killed Eloise." Eva became solemn at the reminder. Lucinda was positive Thomas' mental state would return to normal but there was no telling what the cursed Seer, Notia, had done to his mind while under Karon's control. Thomas refused to speak on it. He hid away from everyone, even Eloise, whose mood had not yet returned to that of a cheerful nature.

"Thomas, please. Lucinda is of the belief your nightmares shall end and life for you shall return to normal. Perhaps if you took on more duties with respect to Esos while Daeron and I tour Estoria?" Eva pleaded softly knowing she could not lose her brother too.

Thomas shook his head his jaw clenching tightly and he seemed unable to look Eva in the eye, "No. Lucinda is unable to help me and if I am to ever seek some peace I must kill that witch once and for all. Besides Henry is my friend, he does not deserve her tortures."

"We have many of my most trusted Draki scouts searching across the four kingdoms for the witch, Notia and Henry. It would not be safe for a King of Esos to be traipsing all over the four kingdoms looking for a witch and her prisoner." Daeron spoke then trying to reason with his mates brother.

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