018 ⇾ endless jitters & dinner dates

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For the first time in all the blind dates he's been on, Chris was actually making an effort to hop into the shower at 4.45pm, shave his beard a little, pick out a nice fancy dress shirt that would hopefully go exceptionally well with a pair of jet black slacks he'd picked out earlier this afternoon and his snazzy charcoal black shoes, and wait for his best mates to pick him up for his blind date.

The reason why Sebastian and Anthony were always the ones to accompany Chris and fetch him to the destined restaurant for his blind date is mainly because;

"Well, what if your date doesn't turn out well?" Sebastian quizzed.

"You're telling me you've set me up on a blind date that you yourself have no faith in?" Chris asked incredulously, feigning offence.

Anthony quickly shook his head at once and reasoned, "No no, that's not what I meant. I meant to say we're just serving as a backup. . . and also, in case you need a ride home or some friends to be with if things go South."

But this time, Robert decided to tag along with Anthony and Sebastian. And so, the three men were already on their way to Chris' apartment in Robert's Range Rover even though it was only 5.15pm.

"We gotta get there early because Evans is stubborn as fuck sometimes so he might just choose to be a downer and not go for his blind date. . . and I mean, well, we can't really blame him for that—I mean, he's had three unsuccessful blind dates so far," Sebastian told Robert as they were nearing Chris' apartment.

Robert nodded, understanding why they had to be there early and why Chris would refuse to go on blind dates, seeing as there was a legitimate reason behind his hesitation. As soon as Robert parked the car out front, the three men hopped out of the car, greeted the doorman, pushed their way through the revolving doors, padded across the lobby and into the elevator. Whilst the elevator music kept them company, Robert decided to make a bet, to which Sebastian and Anthony gladly took him up on.

"I'll bet ten bucks that Evans is ready for his date this time," said Robert proudly.

Sebastian snorted and tried his best not to burst out laughing. "Chris is always stubborn when it comes to the day of his blind date. He may seem eager the day before but never on the day itself."

Anthony nodded in agreement, clapping his hand on Sebastian's shoulder. "Seabass and I will take you up on that bet."

. . . . . .

"For the last time, JenI'm going out for dinner withno, you can't feed your cat chocolate. . . why? Because you can'toh Jesus, Jen, how are you even a cat owner? Okay, okay. . . look, I gotta go now or I'm gonna be lateoh my, God, will you quit telling me to use protection! Get your head out of the gutteryeah, you're lucky I love you loads, too. Okay, really gotta go nowbye!"

Naomi huffed in mild annoyance and locked her phone as soon as she and Jen said their goodbyes, shaking her head at it before slipping it into her purse. She padded toward her bedroom to grab her cardiganthat she nearly forgot aboutbefore looking around her apartment to make sure she'd locked all the doors and clamped the windows shut.

She did a double take once she noticed her coffee mug was on the table and quickly made a grab for it and placed it in the sink, making a mental note to clean it once she got home.

Swiping her keys off the counter, Naomi made her way to the door, grabbing her heels on the way out before slipping them on. Once the straps were in place, she closed the door behind her and locked it before proceeding to the lobby to call for the elevator.

First Signs of Love ⇾ C. Evans ✓Where stories live. Discover now