074 ⇾ wounded prides & almost relationships

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WhatsApp Messages with Unknown

hey, is this chris evans' number?

Chris Evans
it is. may i know who's asking?

chris, it's ben.

Chris Evans
ben barnes?


Chris Evans
how'd you get my number?

Ben Barnes
to be honest with you, it wasn't easy because i had to ask a friend of mine to pull some strings in order to get your number.

Chris Evans
yeah 'cause this number hasn't exactly been made known to everyone.

Ben Barnes
well, believe it or not, it took a lot of convincing for them to give me your number.

Chris Evans
them? who's them?

Ben Barnes
i'm good friends with aaron.
asked him if he could get me your number and he actually gave me your number but it wasn't in service. aaron himself had no idea you'd changed your number, so he asked robert, sebastian and anthony. robert eventually managed to find out that it was me who's asking and initially, he and your friends were quite reluctant on giving me your number but when i told them what i was planning to talk to you about, they gave it to me immediately.

Chris Evans
okay. . .
so, what is it that you wanted to talk to me about?

Ben Barnes
i think it'd be better if we spoke in person.

Chris Evans
aren't you in london right now?

Ben Barnes
not exactly.
so, you might want to look over to your left.
READ 10.18AM

. . . . . .

"Please tell me you didn't fly all the way out here just to have coffee with me."

Ben chuckled at Chris' remark, a small smile playing on his lips as he shook his head in response. "I can assure you that's definitely not the case. I'm actually here for a project."

Chris was about to say something but clamped his mouth shut when he couldn't find the right words to say. Instead, he carefully reached for his cup of Espresso and patiently waited for Ben to say something else, since he was the one who asked that they speak in person.

Crossing his hands over the coffee table before them, Ben leaned forward in his seat, catching Chris' attention as he did so. "First of all, thank you for not turning on your heel and walking right out that door as soon as you noticed me. I was afraid you might forego your usual cup of coffee and dash right out of this quaint little café."

In all honesty, Chris was rather surprised to find Ben in the café he'd always come to for his daily coffee fix, mainly because he's never even seen him here before. And just as Chris was about to ask him how he knew he'd be here, Ben took it upon himself to explain that Robert gave away his not-so-secret go-to place, especially after hearing what Ben was going to say to Chris as soon as he saw him.

"Ben, we're friends," Chris stated matter-of-factly.

Ben smiled forlornly. "We're not really friends, Chris. You and I know both know that," he said, his voice more solemn than today's weather. "I want to talk to you about Naomi."

First Signs of Love ⇾ C. Evans ✓Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant