061 ⇾ group chat

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WhatsApp Group Chat 'The Golden Girls' with Ems, Brie and Jen

girls, i think i've messed everything up. . .

woah okay, nay
it's alright
just take your time and tell us what happened

we're here for you, babe
take it slow and tell us what's wrong

just breathe and tell us what happened
we're not leaving you

i got drunk two nights ago and when chris texted me, i drunkenly replied him, saying that he should stop texting me before i fall for him and that he makes it so hard for me to not like him.
and then the bartender grabbed my phone and texted him the place i was at after i refused to pick up his calls. chris came and drove me home but my keys were in my pocket and he didn't want to reach for them because he thought it would be inappropriate so he drove us back to his. he said i passed out in his car and he let me sleep in his room while he slept outside. then the next thing i knew i was sitting upright in his bed, completely drenched in cold sweat with tears in my eyes because i dreamt about her.

your mother?

yeah, and it wasn't a dream. it was a memory. i relived that memory, the day she left me and my dad, when she didn't look back or spare me a glance before she took off.
it woke chris up and he was by my side in no time but then, right in that very moment, i told him that he can't love me.

oh god, nay...

oh god why did you say that, babe?

because he can't, brie. he can't love me.
he can't love something that's broken.

naomi jane lindberg, you listen to me, please. you are NOT broken. you are far from broken.

nay, please don't say things like this.
you are NOT broken. you are not damaged.
stop saying you don't deserve him.

i am.
i am and you know it.
and who the hell would want someone with a shitload of problems with their family?

stop it, nay. please. stop saying all this.

i hurt him. i know i did. i felt him cave when i told him that he can't love me. and it's true.
as much as it pains me to say this, he truly does deserve better. i can't be selfish. . . not with him.
i can't be selfish and expect him to love a broken thing, and why would he even want to love me after seeing me in such a state?

because chris is the kind of man that accepts the good with the bad. you were never meant to be perfect, naomi. none of us were. none of us ever are. and if you could accept the good with the bad when it came to chris then why can't he?

because this is different. i'm protecting him.

how are you protecting him? and what are you even protecting him from?

i'm protecting him from myself! he shouldn't have to deal with my nightmares, my demons, my everything. he doesn't deserve all this. he deserves much better.

well what if chris wants to deal with those nightmares and fight your battles with you?

he can't.

First Signs of Love ⇾ C. Evans ✓Where stories live. Discover now