043 ⇾ forgotten dates & suspicious messages

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To say that Ben was ecstatic to be able to meet Naomi before she had to fly off to Georgia was a blatant understatement---the man was beyond eager to meet her after having not seen her much these past two weeks, even after she'd gotten back from Boston.

Mackenzie stopping by his apartment for a quick chat was not something he'd expected to encounter while Naomi was away so when his ex-girlfriend showed up a couple of days after Naomi had left for Boston, he had no choice but to invite her into his humble abode. The last time he'd spoken to her was that night at the art exposition, which was also the only time he'd ever uttered a single word to her post-breakup.

Ben was just about to give Naomi a call to ask how her night went at the black-tie event when a knock sounded at the door. Of course, Ben being Ben, hadn't bothered about peering into the peephole before answering the door but as soon as the door swung open, he'd instantly regretted the decision.

"Mind if I come in?" Mackenzie asked, peering at Ben from behind her eyelashes.

Despite the two-letter word being on the very tip of his tongue, Ben couldn't bring himself to reject her rudely so, with much hesitation, he stepped aside to allow her to stride into his apartment in her two-inch heels.

"New York's far different from Kent, isn't it?" Mackenzie quizzed as she twirled carelessly around his loft. "This little crib is nothing compared to your detached residence back home, isn't it?"

Ben's eyebrows furrowed in confusion at her comment and retorted with, "I happen to like this little loft a lot. It's immensely cozy and close to everything I love here in New York."

Mackenzie snickered, though her face was faltering at his steadfast reply as she'd expected a whole other response from him. "Like Naomi?" She feebly queried, biting her bottom lip as she awaited his next reply.

Ben was slightly taken aback by her question because he didn't think that his feelings for Naomi were that noticeable---but who was he kidding? He's known Mackenzie for a long time now, long enough to know what she's like and how she's like.

She was quick to spot lies and cover-ups, far better than anyone else he's encountered so far and she was sensitive to just about everything. Sure, she appeared as a tough cookie to many but the ones who are closest to her would know that she was just a girl who dreamt of having everything in the world---a little naïve, yes, but it was one of her biggest desires.

Ben averted his gaze from the glass of water he had in his grip to the woman who was standing before him and quietly sighed. "Like Naomi."

After their little conversation a couple weeks back, Mackenzie chose to take her leave and left his loft in a flash. As soon as she was out the door, Ben had set his glass down on the coffee table and plopped down on his leather couch.

Considering the fact that Ben has known Mackenzie for a long time now, he knew for a fact that Mackenzie was not only with Chris for his fame but she was also hoping that sometime in their budding relationship, Chris would begin to truly love and care for her in the ways she'd imagined him to.

Ben truly believed Chris would actually have---perhaps---loved Mackenzie like he did her five years ago, had her personal interest in fame not gotten to her head and jeopardize her relationship with not only Chris but Naomi included.

Often times---especially after their little encounter at the art expo---Ben has always wondered what it would be like if he hadn't brought Naomi to the expo and instead took her to the movies to watch Bridge of Spies because he knew how much Naomi loved Tom Hanks.

Perhaps the mess wouldn't be as big as it was now or perhaps it would have been anyway.

Ridding himself off of these thoughts and memories, Ben drew in a sharp intake of breath and pulled himself together. Tonight was his night with Naomi---his last night with her before she departed for Georgia on Monday morning, and for some reason the man was scared out of his wits.

First Signs of Love ⇾ C. Evans ✓Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora