034 ⇾ group chat

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WhatsApp Group Chat

chris pls
please for the love of god
remember to get an autograph from naomi for me

Tony Stank
and make sure it's addressed to the poor boy 👆

Black Widow
and not you, christopher

Maximoff #2
yeah don't go stealing tommy boy's thunder now

alright alright 😂
i'll get her autograph for you
do you want her number as well

Tony Stank
don't give him false hope you ninety year old popsicle

and the father of the year award goes to rdj ^

Tiny Ant
i thought i was father of the year

since when

Maximoff #1
poor paul ^
btw chris, mate
what time's the event?


Maximoff #2
which is about three hours from now aye aye aye :-)

Tiny Ant
is your lady friend getting ready for the event ehehehe

are ya gonna pick her up? ^

she's actually at my family home right now

Tony Stank

Mechanical Bird

Metal Arm


why is she at your family home


Tiny Ant
are y'all gonna fondue

paul for god's sake

Maximoff #1
i'm curious as well but anyway, have fun at the event, chris!

thanks, aaron! i'll send your regards to naomi!

Maximoff #1
please do! i miss that little one haha!

Metal Arm
we're waiting, christopher

well my mom suggested i bring her over for lunch yesterday
so i picked her up from her hotel and she literally got along with my family so well in an instant
my sisters love her and they're actually helping her get ready for the event right now

who's helping you get ready for the event then 😏

me, myself and i

Double Vision
i literally just went to the store to get something
and i come back to more than 50 messages

Tony Stank
it's the 21st century, bettany

Tiny Ant
yeah bettany
stop thinking you're bettany of us
get it?

paul please

Black Widow
honestly paul

Maximoff #2
how was he even on team cap

Tiny Ant
hey hey take it easy on me
i'm smol ☹

so you two are going together as each other's date?

well, not really
i mean we're going as friends

Mechanical Bird
you're going on a friend date then
how's mackenzie reacting to this

funny you should mention that because i replied her about an hour ago when she asked me to send her picture of my outfit
so, i told her naomi's going with me
and she seemed pretty okay with it

Metal Arm
you left out the part where naomi's at your place, didn't you?

yeah, i sort of did

Tony Stank

because she'll probably dislike it and start unwanted drama
she's just. . . she isn't the same girl i met at the blind date, guys. she's totally different, literally introduces me as 'this is chris evans, the one who plays captain america' to everyone, even at the art expo the other day.
i can't help but feel like she's only sticking to me because of my role in the mcu

Tiny Ant

Tony Stank
oh damn
what have y'all done

Mechanical Bird
hey don't blame us now 😩
people change
even in the span of two weeks of knowing each other
but fuck, chris
we're so sorry
damn it seabass
we fucked up another blind date again

Metal Arm
we're so sorry, chris
we really are
we had no idea that you were going through this
you never mentioned it in all the times we met up over the past week and over text

Maximoff #2
is this why you said you guys aren't official?

we never were to begin with
we've never kissed, held hands or anything so no, we're not dating
she doesn't even know what my favorite color is

does this mean my chances with naomi are slim

Tony Stank
son, they always were
like right from the beginning

Black Widow
you just broke the poor boy

Tiny Ant
alright let's not deflate chris' mood
he's going to a black-tie event with his special lady friend that still has not replied to any of my comments on her instagram post
but that's okay
so let's let the man have a good night
whether it's an actual date or a friend date

Double Vision
you're such a drama queen, rudd

Tiny Ant
you're so rud(e)d, bettany

Maximoff #2
rudd's right
just put everything aside and have fun, okay! 💃🕺

i agree with lizzie ^
have fun, bro 😌

Mechanical Bird
don't drink too much, capsicle 🕺🍺

Metal Arm
have a blast, man 🍻👊💥

thanks guys 😌

Tiny Ant
keep us posted!!!! and please send my regards as well to your lady friend!!!!

you do realize he's not going to do that right

Tiny Ant
i know
i just wanted to try my luck 🙄

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