Chapter 5 - Maybe he's not that bad

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It was no surprise that Alia and Siddharth's wedding was going to be a grand affair. With only few weeks to go, there was even a transformation in the house, as the family was decorating the place with flowers, vases and all sorts of decorations. 

That night I coudn't sleep. I admit that I'm super tired after travelling in India's scorching weather, however I still go to the kicten to make myself a glass of  tea.  I get a meta cup from the cupboard and begin stirring. It was dark in the kitchen, aside from the minimal light from the streetlights outside.  I begin humming a tune from a movie, when suddenly I hear footsteps.  Please don't be my mother. She despises this habit of having 'midnight snacks', if she sees me know, I'll be in for a big lecture for sure. I quickly grab my cup and walk out towards my room when the footsteps approch me. 

I turn back, back due to the darkness I cannot identify the face, but I knew one thing. It wasn't a girl.

"Nisha??"Questions SIddharth's voice reaching over to touch my shoulder.

It had to be him. His childish attributes would definitely make him create a fuss about this. 

"Sidharth. Just go" I whisper

"Why? Isn't this my house Nisha??"He laughs

I don't respond. 

"Anyways. What on earth are you even doing at this hour? " He asks

"I could ask you the same " I say cheekily

"Couldn't sleep that's all" He says turning on the lights

He was wearing a green shirt and basic blue jeans. His hair was kinda ruffled and he admittedly looked kinda good.  

"Why are you up?" He asks grabbing something 

"Same reason" I mutter, surprised at his sudden interest in me

"Want one?" He asks holding out a container full of chocolate cookies coated in strawberry cream.

"It's fine." I say grabbing my cup of tea and walking out

"What's with the attitude" He asks

"Attitude? Aren't I allowed to leave?" I ask

"Well...yeah. I just thought you'd give me company. But if you don't want to..."

"Hey I wasn't being mean or anything" I say walking back to him

He is quiet, with his chocolate brown eyes gazing into the window. There is a moment of awkward silence between us. 

"Tea?" I ask

"Yeah sure" He laughs

Surprised at his behaviour, I make the tea and hand it over to him. He quickly drinks it without any comments. 

"Like it?" I ask

"Yeah I guess" He says

"Now. I'm going back to bed. Don't tell on me" I warn

"Tell on you? What am i? Five?" 

"Well. You did that to me last year. Remember" I remind him. Even last year, he got me in trouble for such a minor thing, like going out somewhere without telling my parents.

"Fine I won't. Now get lost"

"Suit your self" 

Note : I'm still thinking of the cast for this book. If you have any suggestions please leave it in the comments below.

 As you might know, this is my first book, and I'd love to have more readers. If possible, let your friends know about this book and feel free to write comments or leave feedback. 

Love hearing from you xx

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