Chapter 9 - Alia's pov

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Alia's pov


Nisha. The cause of my problems

Nisha. The one who stole Sid's heart

Nisha. The reason why I am here, all alone on this train

"Tickets ma'am" the conductor asks

I hand him my tickets. My hands were covered with henna and my nails were painted rose-gold with small flowers on them. I try to avoid glancing at them, it brought back too many memories of the great day that was planned for me : my wedding. 

My wedding dress was gorgeous; red with a large gold border and marvellous patterns. It was the most fancy indian dress I had ever seen. Unfortunately, I would never be able to wear that dress now. 

It was my decision to leave. I could've easily stayed and get married to Siddharth, and fly over to the States.That would've been ideal. I could've lived my dream life, with Sid, my chivalrous knight in shining armour,if it wasn't for Nisha.

Nisha. Don't get me started on Nisha. 

 Nisha was nothing compared to me. From her looks to her status to her career, I had it all. She was a daisy when I was a sunflower. In my whole life, nobody had make me feel of less worth. Even the pretty girls in High School who won all the awards, and all my supermodel friends have never made me jealous. I sometimes find it funny, how an ordinary and simplistic girl like Nisha was the one to crush me.  I would've never expected a girl like me, to be in a battle with a girl like her. With her sweet talks and her deceiving looks, she brought out the bad in me, and now she has left me in the gutter, while she was in heaven. I didn't want Nisha to win this ongoing battle to win Sidharth, but now I have let her. I have let Nisha have Sidharth because I know how Sid feels about her. I was convinced for a long time about his feelings for her, but after the big argument, Siddharth vowed to me that he would never like a girl like Nisha. But that all changed 5 days ago.


It all happened when Aunt Aadhya was making ladoos for the family. Nisha, who was sucking up to Aunt Aadhya was making them alongside her. 

"Aunty, need help?" I had asked

"No Alia, Nisha here is preparing wonderful ladoos. You go and rest" She had told me gleefully. 

It was obvious that Aunt Aadhya liked Nisha more than me, I mean, anybody with sense could figure that out. I didn't mind that too much, because I knew that Nisha would be out of my life soon. 

So I went back inside the living room, when I saw Sid enter the kitchen.

Curious to hear their conversation, I walked up to the kitchen, pressing my ears close to the wall. 

"Mmmmm, Yummy" I hear Sid say 

"Go away!" Nisha squealed in a flirtatious tone

"Why? Am I not allowed to have food around here?" He asks

"Just go away" She says

"You know Ladoos are my favourite" He begs childishly

Why was he acting like this? He definitely was lying to me, he did like Nisha.

"Stop it? What if that girlfriend of yours sees huh?" She asks

"Look, Alia might just  be a tiny bit jealous, nothing big. She's just being.... a bit protective I guess. You girl's are always over-reacting over small issues" He says carelessly

Anger boiled within my body. My heart was pounding. I was on the brink of storming into the kitchen and giving him a tight slap. What was he thinking? That my emotions were fake? That I was jealous? 

"Well.... you aren't supposed to be talking to me" I hear Nisha say 

"FINE" I hear Sid say

"Don't! Stop it!" I hear Nisha squeal playfully

"Siddharth!!" Nisha yells with a laugh

Whatever they were doing made my envy grow. I was green with envy. I know Sid wouldn't cheat on me, but the way he is acting confirms his feelings for Nisha.

"Siddharth, leave now or else..... I'll tell Aunty" threatens Nisha

I hear Siddharth's footsteps grow closer towards me. 

Tears form in my eyes as I run towards my room, escaping the nasty situation 


That day, I decided that I couldn't marry Sid. He didn't love me. He wasn't showing the same affection he was showing me in the past, instead he wa flirting with Nisha when I wasn't around. I was furious at him, for choosing that waste girl instead of me. 

Even the day before our marriage, I looked him in the eye and asked him if he loved me. He gently placed his hands around my waist, and told me that I was the only one in his heart. 

"Really?" I asked again hugging him tightly

No reply. Instead he caressed me hair, and at that time I knew the reason for his silence.

Sid's mind wanted me, but his heart desired Nisha. Sid wants to love me, and marry me, but I realised that he was second guessing our relationship. 

I knew I had to leave. 

The next morning, I packed my bags, and rushed along to the venue, where I left a note, explaining the reasons why I left, and dashed off to the train station. 

Of course I didn't write the true reason why I left, but I know that Nisha and Sid both would understand my decision. 

Nisha is the root of this problem. Whenever I think of her, my mind twists in knots. I was disgusted at how a girl like her could overthrow a girl like me. It was as if a peasant overthrew a queen and took her throne. 

I was the Sun. Nisha was the moon. It was destiny that the sun has to set, in order for the moon to shine. 

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