Chapter 21 - Armit and Nisha? - Siddharth's pov

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Siddharth's point of view

"Nice dress ugly" I say as Nisha walks in in a ravishing blue dress. It was a lacy dress that flattered her hourglass figure.

Nisha rolls her eyes at my comments and grabs the container filled with chocolate chip cookies she had just made

"Siddharth c'mon I don't wanna be late" She calls closing the door

I follow her lead and start the car. Ever since Nisha got that stupid job, we've been invited to numerous functions, lunches and fundraisers.  Of course I never want to attend any of those kinda stuff, but she childishly insists that I come. Plus, the food there is good, which is a bonus. Today they are doing some end of year farwell dinner. The hotel they are going to is surprisingly luxurious. 

"Here we are" I say parking the car 

"Yaas. Now get out we are already late" Nisha says 

Since when did this girl get so bossy?

When we walk in, Armit or whatever his name is, reaches out and hugs Nisha tightly. 

"You're a bit late" He whispers with a grim

"Ssshhh" Nisha whispers seductively in his ears

 I had to stand awkwardly just staring at them flirt with each other. Who does she think she is? Dosent she realise she has a husband?  Shit! I'm being such a hypocrite. I fricken slept with Divaani! Her flirting is nothing compared to sleeping with another woman. But I can't blame myself to much right? She is the one who rambles about wifely duties,loyalty and all that marriage crap. She is the one who should stick to her word. Plus, I never wanted to get married to that little prick anyways, I only did it for my familys sake.

"Siddharth..." Nisha mumbles gently touching my arm

"Don't touch me" I warn

Her smile wears off, and is replaced by a frown.

"We should grab a seat" She says walking towards the dining table

I choose a spot for us near the corner, hoping that would reduce the chance of Armit butting in. But it dosent. 

Within moments the devil grabs a seat next to me, peering over at Nisha who is quietly sipping her drink.

"Nisha. Any plans for the holidays? " He asks

"Ummm not really...." She gushes

"It's cold outside eh. What can we do "Armit sighs

"Weren't you saying that your mum might pop a visit?"Nisha says nudging me 

"Uhhh yeah" I reply

"That's nice. My parents haven't come here in ages. They just love Mumbai so much!"Armit explains

"Hahaha same. My parents won't stand the cold" Nisha grins

I was stuck in an awkward conversation with these two love birds speaking across me. It sucked to have the middle seat. 

"But Esly has been insistant on visiting me sometime. We should call her over, right Sidharth? " says Nisha peering at me

"Yeah we should" I say

I did appreciate Nisha's pathetic attempts in trying to include me in their conversation,  but let me assure it wasn't needed. I have much better things to do than partake in a conversation with the devil Armit. 

Later on we were called to the dance floor. Just as I was about to ask Nisha for her hand (not that I wanted to or anything, just for formality), Armit interupts me.

"NIsha,  may I have this dance ? "He asks reaching for her hand. 

Nisha glances up at me, expecting my approval. 

"Well, actually,  I was wanting to dance with my wife" I glare at Armit and pull Nisha away from him

Nisha looks shocked as I pull her over to the dance floor. As I wrap my arms around her curvy body, she pulls away.

"What was that for" I say

"Am I not allowed to touch my wife?" I ask with a cheeky grin 

"No, not that. Why did you behave like that with Armit? " She grunts 

"Behave like what? What's so wrong in trying to keep your wife for yourself" I say looking into her chocolate brown eyes

"You shouldn't have done that" She says crossing her arms

"Are you gonna pick a fight with me for that waste fellow?" I say sternly

"Don't call him that. He is not a waste. In fact he's smart, and gentle and -" She begins 

"You don't have to start! If you like him so much why don't you go marry him!" I yell and walk away from her

"Siddharth"she weeps

I can hear her say the same 'we are just friends' dialogue, but anyone in their right senses would know that's not true. 

I walk over to Armit,  who is sitting alone on a table drinking his wine. 

"Go ahead, dance with her. She's all yours" I growl before dashing out of the hotel.

The cold brittle temperature makes me shiver as I walk towards my Lamborghini. I hate her. And I hate him even more. How dare she even think of talking back to me, expecially for Armits sake. This is the problem with girls. They lure you for the sole purpose of hurting you. It is stupid to say this,  but my feelings towards her changed over the past few weeks. The moment when I was beginning to like Nisha, and finally accept her as my wife, Armit comes and steals her away from me. Maybe it was my fault all along. Maybe if I had treated her the way she deserved to be treated, none of this would've happened. What's the point in worrying. It's too late now to change the past. Now that Armit has come in the plot, there is no way I can take her back. Just by looking at the way she looks into his eyes, I can tell she loves him - and it's no secret that he loves her too. Maybe this was just fate. But I can't blame myself. Nisha' married. She should know her limits. If she can't control herself, then that's her problem, not mine. 

I sit on the couch for what seems like hours, waiting for the doorbell to ring. It was 1 am.  The party should end about now. Maybe I should go pick her up?  No...what's the point. She's probably having the time of her life with her boyfriend. Before I know it, I'm out on the road again, driving towards Hotel Asena. When I arrive, I spot a few teachers leaving the venue in their fancy cocktail dresses. The door was locked, which meant Nisha would be out. 

"Hey have you seen Nisha" I ask one lady

"Ummm. I saw her a while before it ended. She seemed troubled. I don't know where she is now though" She says with concern in her eyes

Shit! I feel so guilty now for hurting Nisha

"Okay thanks" I call before racing up to Armit who was already in his car.

"Nisha. Where is Nisha" I pant

"I actually waved her goodbye just now. She should still be there..." He trails off

"Okay" I say and wall back to the hotel 

Where did this woman go? For some reason,  I felt my stomach twist in knots and my pulse increase. Where is Nisha?

I circle the building, before hearing a muffled groan by a car. I run over to the vehicle, which is surrounded by a group of guys.

"Siddharth! " I hear a scream

I instantly recognize the voice. Its Nisha

Hey readers! Hope you loved this chapter. It ended on a cliffhanger,  but I'll try update as soon as I can. Like the plot twist?(turns out Siddharth does like Nisha).

(Also, I'd appreciate if you could check out my short story series I have began, link below)

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