Chapter 25 - An Uninvited Guest

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The day after the incident (well, there have been countless 'incidents' but you get which one I'm talking about ), I spent my hours compensating about what to do.Unlike the first time I saw Siddharth with that girl, it didn't take me a long time to engross what had happened. I mean, Siddharth is obviously a playboy, who does not respect his wife at all. Yes, I do want to confront Siddharth, but what distresses me is the lack of evidence I have. Thanks to my saviour, Keerthi, I have some pics of Siddharth with that girl, nevertheless, Siddharth would make up some lame excuse and will blow me off. I need more evidence - and once I have that, I will be ready to confront Siddharth once and for all.

In the midst of my deep thinking, I feel Siddharth's arms slump around my waist. 

Yes, I am on the same bed as him. 

But no, we have not consummated our marriage. 

In all honesty,the only reason I'm sharing a bed with that reckless cheat is due to the fact that he was driving me nuts with his persistent begging. 

In rage at all the sins he has committed,  I shove his hands away from me. To my annoyance,  that lunatic continues his romance, this time stroking my hair.  

"Will you stop?" I order in annoyance

"Not in the mood?" He grins

"Mood? J-Just stop. Don't you have work to go to?" I revert pointing to the clock

"Shit!!!!! I overslept. Lemme get ready" Siddharth says jumping off the bed

"Can you make me a cup of coffee Honey!!!!!" He yells from the bathroom

"Ugh....yes" I sigh heading to my abode - the kitchen

Within minutes Siddharth is set to flee the house for work. I hand him his cup of coffee and get dressed - as I too have work to attend. I drape a simple yet ravishing red saree paired with golden loop earrings and a golden chain for my neck. Just as I am doing my makeup, Siddharth pops out of nowhere and pops a kiss on my cheeks. Talk about intrusion.

"Have a good day at work Baby" He calls as he leaves our room

Judging by Siddharth's change in behaviour - such as consistently calling me things such as 'baby' and 'honey',it can only mean two things - He is trying desperately hard to hide his affair by getting on my good side, or he is starting to love me. But I'm going with the first option, as it is obviously more realistic. 

Just as I am eating breakfast - idli and sambaar - the doorbell rings. Who is it now? I have to go to work

As I open the door, I face my worst nightmare. 

It was the girl Siddharth was seeing. 

Dressed in a beige crop top, denim skirt and 6 inch heels, she stood before me.

Her piercing black eyes looked at me in a pathetic manner, as she stood tall with her arms crossed

"Where's Sid?" She snarls

"H-He's not home" I say

"Well, tell him that Divaani dropped by today and is sorry for not being able to come to the party tonight" She says

"What?" I question

"Ugh..woman. Just tell him I stopped by and I'm sorry bout tonight. Clear?" She spits

"Um...okay.." I mutter

"Who are you by the way? One of the maids?" She questions

"What? No! I'm Siddharth's wife for your information" I repercussion

"Ohhh. Nila right?" She grins

"Nisha" I correct

"So you must've kept Sid occupied for the last month while I was gone" She says looking at her iphone

"What do you mean?" I ask

"Well....If you must know... I was off overseas for the last month or so travelling. So I asked if you kept him satisfied for that period, if you get what I mean" She winks

"Um...Can you not interfere with our personal life" I order

"What personal life? Your whole marriage happened for your parents sake. Don't you know that Sid's not interested in you. As far as I know, he can't wait till the day he gets rid of you" She smirks like a witch

"Get rid of me? What?" I exclaim

"Don't you know about the divorce?" She asks 


"Yes. Divorce. If case you don't know yet , I will be Mrs. Siddharth in no time. Now that I'm back in the states, I guess its' time for you to pack your bags and leave." She snarls

"Get out of my house!" I sob

"The truth hurts, doesn't it " She laughs

By now, my eyes are filled with tears. Yes, I knew about this affair - but I didn't think it'll hurt this much. Divaani is right, the truth does hurt.

"Look, I don't want to be some home wrecker, but you need to accept the truth. Siddharth's doesn't love you. How can you expect a successful and handsome man like him to live with someone like you?!?!?!? He needs a chic like me in his life. If you have any self respect, you'd leave the house before you get kicked out by us " She says folding her arms

In rage I slam the door shut. Tears flood my eyes, like a never ending stream. Every word she spoke felt like a dagger stabbing through my body. It hurt. It really hurt. I knew this moment would arrive, yet I never expected it to be so soon. What hurts me most, is how Siddharth tried to fool me into loving him, just so I can fulfill his pleasures while Divaani was away. I hate Siddharth, and I mean it. Nobody has ever hurt me the way that monster did. Nobody in my whole life has ever made me shed this many tears. 

Like Divaani had said, it's better to leave than to be kicked out. If my parents truly loved me, they'll understand my situation and will accept me with open arms. I have to leave Siddharth, once and for all.

Hey Wattpadders! Enjoyed this chapter? Do drop in your thoughts about this chapter. 

If you have any ideas on who should play Divaani, feel free to comment or message me with your ideas. The next chapter will be dedicated to whoever's suggestion on Divaani's character I choose to cast.

Just as a note, I will not be updating for at least another week due to the fact I'm going overseas. However, I will be checking my inbox so feel free to message me.


(And check out my latest story 'Made for each other

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