Chapter 22 - It's all my fault - Siddharth's pov

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I race over to the gang of men by the car. I can hear Nisha's muffled voice among them

"Siddh-" She groans

As one man turns to face me, I strike him with a sharp slap, making him fall hard on the concrete ground. 

"Go away!" Yells a tall indian with his arms tightly clasping Nisha, who is in tears

"Don't tell me what to do!" I yell and punch him hard enough to make his nose bleed

I push him on the ground, and beat him till I'm assured he can't get up. The other men corner me, but one by one I manage to punch all of these skinny bastards. I run over to Nisha, and notice her torn dress. One man attempts to pull Nisha,but I instantly smack him in the face. 

"Nisha, you okay" I ask cupping her face

She shakes her head,  shivering at what had just happened.  Her eyes are red and streaming with tears. Her small frame is trembling in her torn dress. Guilt flooded in my body. If I had stayed with her instead of dashing of, those bastards wouldn't have tried to rape her.

"Don't worry. Let's get you home" I whisper caressing her back

On our ride back home, she is completely silent - and I don't know how to make her feel better. She was nearly raped. Never have I had to console a girl in such circumstances. 

"Nisha don't think about it too much. What's happened has happened. It's better to move on. You'll only hurt your self by repetitively thinking about it" I say

My words don't help though. Nishas tears are like an never ending stream. I don't like seeing her like this, however I didn't know how to make her feel better. When we arrive home, she is reluctant to get out of the car. 

"Nisha, c'mon we are home" I whisper gently touching her trembling fingers

She eventually follows my lead, and walks inside. Just as I am about to walk away from her, I feel a soft touch linger on my arm. 

Before I knew it, Nisha was hugging me. It feels so different yet somewhat satisfying to have her body so close to mine. Her arms are tightly wrapped around me, as she cries into my chest. 

"Don't cry baby" I whisper stroking her long locks

"T-They tried to rape m-me" She shivers clasping me tightly

"Don't cry Nisha. I'm here for you" I say wrapping my arms around her

The more she cries, the more guilty I feel. I feel so stupid for leaving her alone at night. I can't believe I let my ego take over. I made such a bad mistake. I have to make it up to her

"I promise I'll never leave you alone again" I say

She dosent reply. Her silence is killing me. The tears flowing out of her eyes in honestly breaking me. I was responsible for her tears.

"You should get rest now" I say cupping her little troubled face

She nods and heads to get changed. She changes out of her torn dress into a fresh new brown saree. She drags her pillow onto the couch, and is ready to sleep before I stop her.

"Hold on" I say

"Siddharth?" She mutters

"I want you to sleep in my room tonight" I say

Hey readers! I know it's a really short chapter, but I wanted to update because I don't think I'll can update for the next few days (new years and stuff). Hope you enjoyed this chapter

What do you think will happen next?

How will Nisha react to sleeping in the same room as Siddharth? 

Thanks for reading and Happy New Year in advance! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

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