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Well...I should've expected that.


"-how's the other shipment then?" I said as I made my way down the halls and out the door, to outside.

A car was waiting for me and I had Ricardo following after me. Even though I don't really like the guy, he's good with work.

I walked towards the door and opened it as I sat in the back seat. Then in came Ricardo as I listened to them on the phone. "It's going good, boss said that he had one more shipping in, and then he wants us to go to Chile to help him with Vald. Didn't he just got there?"

"Yeah, I got a text from Joel, saying that he wants us to go help them, so that's what me and Ricardo are doing. I have Kory taking care of the clubs and I have Nick taking care of the main building for the time we are there."

"Yeah, okay. We're just waiting, I think two days, and then we should head over there. I think that's what he said. That the shipment should be here in two days."

"Alright. I'll keep in touch, or call me when the shipment arrives."


I ended the call and looked out the window and see us moving already. I looked to Ricardo and see him on his phone. "Tell me why I brought you again?" I asked bored.

"You didn't. I invited myself. I want to see her ass again. Maybe fûck her again too." He smirked at me.

"You're fûckin stupid if you think you're going to do that again."

"No, trust me. If you've fucked her, you would want to come back for more. Fûckin tight and wet and ughh, makes me hard just how tight she was." He groaned. I punched his arm.

"You're an idiot. I wouldn't want to go back if I knew I was going to get shot in the ass again." I smirked. He glared at me and shrugged.

"I'll do whatever." He winked. I rolled my eyes while shaking my head.

"Fûckin pig."


"You little bîtch!" He hissed. I looked over to him and see him throwing the glass on the ground mad as hell as he untucked his button shirt and looked at the stain the liquor made.

I chuckled slightly and he didn't even look at me but pointed at me and said, "fûck you bitch!"

The plane continued to shake as were about to land, and I laughed again at his insult. I adjusted myself in the seat and slumped against it. I looked out and stare at the blue water below us.

Welcome to fûckin Chile.


"I tried calling him, but he's not fûckin answering!" I said frustrated as I harshly forced my phone in my pocket. We continued to walk down the streets, towards the hotel that they were both staying at.

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