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There will be blood.


We were already back at my estate. I had Mai head to the doctors with Ricardo. I walked out of the main floor and walked down the stairs to the basement. The basement is where no man should be, but you can't play with devil unless you placed a wrong card down with him.

Edward was at the head of the door, with his back hiding most of the door frame. His hands were in front of him as he waited for me to walk up to him. His brown eyes seemed darker and his face seemed to be in a sinister way. "I might have given him some of my fists." He said as he squared his shoulders as he looked me in the face. The light was only shining on one side of his face but I can see some little splash of blood on his forehead with some sweat.

I didn't say anything but only gave one small nod. He stepped out of the way and opened the door. There he was. Sitting with up, tied in the chair as he stared ahead with a smile on his face. Blood was flowing down his temple, while blood was starting to dry up around his nose. "Ah, the boss is here." He said as he smiled even more. His eye was around puffing up as it swells.

I continue to walk in and then I finally see men standing quietly in the shadows around the room. But my focus was on this fûcker. My steps were hard and slow. When I was about two feet away from him, I stopped.

"I think I was laughing the whole time your men were punching me, especially that one behind you." He smiled.

I heard Edward mutter something but I didn't look back. "Just a warm-up I suppose." He continued. "I mean, trying to make me weak and then send the boss in here to have the last blows for you to kill off that person." His face turned dark while he started to lean forward. "Have the last punch as you slowly start to see the life slowly leaving their body. You then start to hear He little voices in your head to keep going. Keep going because of what this person did to you. Your company. Your family-" my fiat cut his last sentence off. But as his head flung to the side he laughed.

"I'm only saying because that's what I did." He said smiling as he looked back towards me. I stared at him with my jaw clenched as my fists tighten next to my hips.

He continued to stare at me as he tilts his head, "What? You don't do the same?" He smirked.

"No," I said stern.

He pouted, "aw, what a shame."

He's playing his own game right now, and I don't like it one bit. So I decided it's my turn. My lips curled up as I held my hands behind my back. "We're going play my way for now on," I said as I started to walk around him. His lips curled up even more, "oh finally. I was running out of ways of how to keep the game going." He said he gave a soft chuckle.

I wanted to grab his neck and squeezed the living life out of him, end the game right there. But he pulled many strings on me, I need to tangle his.

So I kept the smile on as I slightly shook my head. "I'll be in charge of the games for now on." I was now behind him and he continued to look forward, looking at Edward now.

"What did you think this outcome will get you?" My face fell into a sinister look, but I knew he didn't see any of it. "You escaped the first time. You avoid death the first time, but you came back. You came back because you loved the way men were chasing after you." My hands clamped around his shoulders and dug my fingers in. I bent down while my mouth was somewhat close to his ear. "That was a wrong thing to do." I hissed. "If I were you, I would've run after that first act. Broke my girl's leg for the fucks of it. Had little games for me to go through just to reach her. I would've ended the game right there. I would've had fun watching someone suffer as they looked for their girl. I mean, wouldn't you?" I said I pushed off of him.

"No." He said.

I watched him as his head slightly turned to the left till he was looking his shoulder to me. "Why do you think I kept going?" I saw the smirk on his face as I stared at him with my jaw clenched again. "I loved the way you looked lost and hopeless when you were trying to find her." He chuckled. "It felt amazing because I 've never seen a man like you been so...lost before. You didn't know what to do!" He laughed. "I loved hurting her because you drove you insane. Breaking her leg drove me to have her again. Not because she was yours, hurting her hurt you too, but you didn't want to see it that way. But I saw it. When she was in pain, you didn't know what to do. You were in pain, but not in the physical pain she was. Yours was mental." He laughed.

My fist tightened together at my side and his words were cutting deep into me. "So of course I came back. just hurting her was weakening you slowly by slowly. Have the little spots for you to go look at was just a little fun time for me. And going to that house was my men starting to shoot at you, that was just me getting bored. But when I had her again." I saw his smile grow even more, "it felt amazing. Shooting her in the legs brought pleasure to me because that brought me happiness when I knew it would drive you insane. But I didn't think I would get caught. I thought I would be able to run once more, but...I guess things don't go according to plan." He did a soft chuckle. "So do your worst Vincenzo. I know you've been waiting for this moment."

"Oh, I will.' I smirked as I walked in front of him this time. He turned his head forward now as he stared up at me. "Trust me, I will do my best to make you beg for mercy," I said as I smiled down at him.

"Oh, my." He smirked. "I do hope you will."

I looked over my shoulder, "Edward, bring me my twisted knife."


*raises eyebrow*

my pleasure for having you guys wait. >;)

*sips tea while sneezing*

Book IG: friesbeforeguy101

Anyway see you guys soon!!

Anyway see you guys soon!!SS

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