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Want a ball?


I looked at the bullet lying in his arm while he tries to get up but I end up kicking him once again, right underneath his chin causing him to collapse once more. "Edward, finish it I'm not in the mood anymore." I give him one final look and then place my gun in my waistband and cover it with my suit jacket.

"No please-" the bullet sounding off echos in my ears, but it doesn't bring a smirk on my face. It makes my face remain stone cold, while I stare down the alley waiting for someone to walk by or someone to act surprised, or shit, give me a cop, please. I need action again. "what else do you want to do, I mean we just killed someone for no reason." He said as I heard his footsteps coming next to me. "I need to check on the new business we've gotten from that piece of shit." I buttoned up my jacket and walked topwards the car.


"This is the cannabis and this is the amount we're selling right now." One of my men said while he showed the shipment orders and all the product we've been selling the last past months. It wasn't bad business but to me, we're moving slower than usual. "I need you to sell ten thousand more worth of the product, I can't only be selling only one hundred and fifty thousand of product, doesn't seem enough to me. Tomorrow I want to see a change or I'll be seeing some else here." I looked him up and down while his face fell slightly as I walked past him.

I walked around the area just seeing the packaging and the shipment order being sent out. Vlads men were staring at me but they quickly looked away when I spared them a glance. I gave out a huff when I knew they were scared of me and were afraid to leave my business. I mean they heard about what I've done with their boss. It should be on the fuckin news, because it was glorious. Now that, now that brought a fûckin smirk on my face.

I continued my way around the whole building I grew bored so I started my way outside and walked myself to the car. I waited for Edward to climb inside and I told the driving where to go. I want to see my Mai.



I played with the food on the plate while I rested my head on my hand.

"I mean I'll go get you a ball if you want to just roll your food around, at least this won't turn cold and smoochy." He said as he leaned against the island as he stared down at my food.

"I'm fine Ricardo."

"Clearly." He scuffed and pushed off the island and walked around to the living room.

"Okay I'm not. But no, I don't need a ball. I was just thinking." I said as I got off the chair and made my way where he laid on the couch.

"Hm." He said as he crossed his arms behind his head.

"Hm what." I said as I stared at him.

"I mean hm. That's all Ever. I can't say hm? Hmmm?!" He said as he looked towards me with a smirk coming on his lips.

I scolded at him, "that's not what I mean Ricardo."

"Then what do you mean?" One of his eyebrow lifted and I grew annoyed. He chuckled and leaned closer to me. I didn't move back but we were staring eye to eye now. "I wish you still had that fire in you like the first time I saw you." He said almost as a whisper as he stared at me.

"Too bad. Vincenzo already stole that fire in me." I whispered back. He only chuckled but then I heard footsteps coming closer and I looked over. His broad shoulders and his hair was messed over. He had his suit jacket in hand while it was over his shoulder as he continued in. His eyes were locked on me and nothing really was stopping him.

"Get away from her you fûckin pig." He said like his usual threat tone but of course Ricardo lives to have an adrenaline rush.

"I mean-" his hand goes behind my neck and pulls me close, "I like Ever close, you know...for body heat." I hear the smirk in his words, "it's pretty chilly." Vincenzo footsteps were so near but before he can do anything Ricardo quickly for up and ran pass him. "If you want this ass come get it." He said as he ran away.

I hid my little laugh as Vincenzo looked over his shoulder. "Someday I'm going to kill him and I won't even care." He mumbles as he kneels in front of me. He places a hand on my thigh and just stares at me. My breathing turns a little quicker as butterflies form in my stomach. Not only did I want to throw his hand in his face, I was stuck in his hold.

He tilts his head but never once says anything to me. I look up and no one is in the room. Oh course. I look back down to him and just wait. "Mai." That's all he says and I have to look completely away before I punch him.

I didn't know what to feel. I don't know what to say. I don't. What was I suppose to say? Yes. Yes I missed him. Why wouldn't I.  "Mai. How you feeling?"

My jaw clenches as his thumb lightly rubs my thigh. That's it. I stood up and looked down at him. "I'm not something you can start to use because you're going back to your old ways Vincenzo! I'm not going to be someone who's just going to let you do whatever you want with! I've already been through so much and now you wanting to go back in your old ways and try go back and killing and then try to come back and fûck me?! That's not going to happen!" I yelled while I felt the tears rum my eyes.

He stood up and his face was blank like usual. "Who said I was going to do that." He hissed. His hand wrapped around my waist and pulled me hard against him. "Who ever said that I was just going to fûck you for the fûcks of it?" He hisses.

"I'm just saying-"

"Did I say that Mai?! Did I say that I'm going to come back and do whatever I want and leave you and go fûck another fûckin living thing?!" His hand tighten around my waist and his face was turning red.

"So I'm a thing?"

"For fûcks sakes Mai! Are you fûckin serious?!"


"I don't fûck you because I feel like it. I don't make you feel good just because I want my dîck to throb in that tight pûssy of yours. I don't fûck you just because I want to go back to my old ways. The old ways I mean is killing not fûcking. So if you want me to go back to that I can." He said as he stared at me looking at every part of my face.

My face was hot. I had hot tears rolling down my cheeks. My hand was tightly holding his shirt. "No." I whispered.

It was quiet, silence was thick in the air. Then he broke it, "then don't assume shît." He then soon kissed me hard and then pulled away and picked up his jacket that ended up on the floor and walked away.


Well shît. Call me a bîtch.

I need it.

Book IG: friesbeforeguy101

Anyway see you guys soon..


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