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You can't touch a mans heart.
Not. At. All.


We walked through the building and I knew that he wasn't going to show. He was always one to always hide and take us by surprise. But not this time. I want to see the life drain from his eyes and how his mouth hangs opens after begging for mercy.

Edward was walking in front of me and so was Leo. He was the one that helped me find this place. He called me as fast as he found out that Vlad was here, and I didn't waste any time rushing over here, even though it meant leaving Mai in my bed.

I walked through the little hall way with my gun in front of me and walking slowly, hearing for anything. I walked up the stairs that were in here and looked at corners, checking every inch of this damn place. No one was up stairs, so I walked back down stairs to where I found Edward and Leo and his men in the middle of the building looking angry and confused. I walked towards them angry and walked up to Leo. I grabbed his collar, "you told me that he was here. Do you like me looking like a fool and wasting my time waking through this damn building?!"

"Do you think I made this up?! I didn't need to waste my time either! I didn't want to waste my time just walking through this place to find no one!"

"Then where the hell is he?!" I said as I gave him a good punch on the side of his temple. My hand was still gripping his collar and that's when I let go of him.

Edward was going to say something because he took a step towards me but he closed his mouth and then pulled out his phone. I ignored him and then looked back to Leo to see his temple red and starting to form a bump. "When did you even see him here?!" I said as I push my gun into the side of my waist band.

"A minute I called you. Why would I lie about him being here?!"


"Cazzo!" I looked towards Edward and see him having the phone up close to his face as his face was turning red.


"I have his location, but he has Ever." After that, my blood boiled even more. I walked towards him and grabbed his phone. It showed a picture of her in my shirt but pulled open. 'Walk out of the building, go towards the back and walk ahead. A mile ahead should be another building. Your sweet sweet Ever is with me, and I have someone for you to thank for bringing me her.'

My jaw clenched tight and all I saw was red at the way I looked at the picture. I turned around and threw the phone against the wall and walked out of the building. I was walking fast with anger in my steps and my hand was already pulling out of my gun. I heard them follow me from behind but I didn't care if it was only me going towards him or all of us. One is going to die, and I know how he's going to die.



"Honestly, it's taking him forever." He said as he looked behind himself and then back towards me sighing. "I sent that like, what? Ten minutes ago?"

"You didn't send it to his phone did you!" I said mad and while tears were still falling down my face.

His mouth formed an 'O' shape. "Damn. I forgot I was texting you on his phone. Hold on, let me text Edward." He said laughing. I looked around and I was still rubbing my wrist together. At this point I didn't care if I was making myself bleed. I needed to get out of here but at the same time, if I did get my hands free, how can I run? My thighs are numb from the bullets in them, and as I looked down at them, I feel myself growing weaker.

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