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Let's refreshen memories.


The cold air hits my body. I flipped onto my back and looked at the ceiling. My arm flops to the side of me, but of course Vincenzo wasn't there. I sighed and continued to look at the ceiling.

My hand went to my knee and the scars felt disgusting. Like I've been working on getting back on my feet, but it's hard. Like really hard.

There's like some days where I go up to Edward or Vincenzo and yell at them to just kill me, it would be easier for me, maybe for them too. But they always tell me to be strong and that I can do this.

I can't.

I push myself up and grabbed the crutches right next to me and started to walk out of the room. I was in some running shorts and one of Vincenzo's white t-shirt. I walked out of the room and into the hallway and I looked around and didn't see anyone. So I went to the right and I was going go to the kitchen because that and main floor is the only place I know where to go.

"Cazzo!" I heard him say and then something hitting hard against something. I jumped and looked to the right to the door where I heard him and the bang.

I walk over to there and place my hand on the knob. I slowly turn it and give the door a soft push till it opened revealing me to him. He wasn't looking towards the door. He was leaning back on his chair and I see the computer on the ground with a black screen. I walked in and close the door behind me.

"What are you doing up." He says in a rude tone. He had his head rested back, on the top of the chair while his body spreads out.

"What are you doing in here breaking computers?" I said as I got closer to himself.

He gives me a dark chuckle, "I can always buy a new one Mai." I rolled my eyes and walked in front of the desk and sat down on the chair in front of the desk and placed my crutches right next to me.

"That's a waste of money, don't you say?"

"I'm a man who makes money everyday. Not phased by buying one computer."

"Well that's two hundred dollar I suppose, can be used in good use." He looks up and smiles at me. He adjusts himself on the chair and gives me a smirk.

"I can buy one computer Mai."

I roll my eyes again, "never mind then."

He gets up and walks around the desk till he stands in front of me and then takes a seat on the desk, crossing his ankles over each other and staring down at me.

I look up to him and stare at his green eyes. "I just got mad when it crashed when I was looking at some film. That's all."

"Seems like you got frustrated too." I looked back towards the computer and then back at him.

"I am frustrated but I'm not going to let that emotion get in my way of getting work done. A man always finishes his work."

"Well, looks like you're not going to finish your work with a broken computer." I smiled.

He leans down and grips my chin while smiling at me, "You have a little mouth today don't you Mai?" He said in a soft whisper. His grip on my chin tightens and he stares deep in my eyes.

"I've always had a mouth Vincenzo. Wouldn't be able to talk back if I didn't."

His hand moves to my cheeks and squeezes them together. My lips pucker up into a 'fish' look and my hand grips his wrist.

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