Chapter 3

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Rory's appointment went well.  Lorelai and Finn were both there to support her.  The doctor prescribed her something for the nausea and said she wouldn't be worried unless Rory continued to lose weight. 

They weren't sure if they would get to hear the heartbeat since it was early, but they did.  Finn recorded it all for Logan.  If it hadn't felt real before, it sure did then.  Laying there with a stick on your belly and hearing a heartbeat that definitely wasn't yours.  It was amazing, but Rory was sad that she couldn't share it with Logan. 

After a few weeks of sending out resumes, Rory finally got a call from Condé Nast in New York.  They wanted to set up an interview with her.  She happily set it up for Friday.

It was hard to think about making plans without Logan, but she hoped that someone would hear from him soon and be able to get him back home.  She was trying to get excited about the baby, but how do you do that when the father still doesn't know? 

As far as the nausea was concerned, that had definitely improved.  She was almost three months along, and she could feel her tummy rounding just barely.  When she put on her suit, she couldn't button the pants and the shirt was tight too.  Lorelai said it was time to go shopping for some maternity clothes and dragged her around Hartford.

"That one is perfect honey.  You've got the belly panel, so it will hopefully fit you throughout the pregnancy, but you can't tell it's there with that shirt."

"Are you sure?"  Rory asked, she knew it wasn't visible yet to the unknowing eye but she still felt like there was a sign on her forehead that said "PREGNANT."

"I'm sure.  You said you will tell them anyway in the interview right?"

"Yes, I just don't want it to be immediately noticeable."

"Ok, now that shirt and blazer are best.  The shirt isn't tailored to be tucked in and both are just loose enough around the front. No mumus here."  Lorelai watched her daughter eyeing the outfit she had on.

"As long as I don't look fat.  Let's find a few pair of maternity leggings and some tunic dresses too.  Hold off on anything else right away."  Rory was trying to stay positive.  She wanted Logan to be here.  But then she started wondering if she was wrong for expecting him to be with her when she turned down his proposal. 

They finished shopping, then went to get something to eat.

"Mom, is it wrong of me to want him here after saying no?"

""That you only want him here because of the baby?"

Rory thought seriously for a moment, then shook her head. "No, even before I found out, I was seriously questioning why I said no. I love him. I had thought about us getting married a lot. I just always thought it was down the road. I should have talked to him about it. We should have worked it. Now I'm worried that whatever he is out there doing is going to end up killing him before I get the chance to make it right..."

"Rory, you can't think like that. For a long time, I thought that Luke and I were completely over...turns out we just needed time to sort through all of the crap before we could really make it work."

Rory nodded and continued eating.

"Honey, I have been trying not to push you on this, but I think you need to tell mom and dad. They already don't understand why you turned down the job. Now you won't be at Friday night dinner either. It's getting to the point that they should know. I know you wanted Logan to be next..."

"I know mom. I think you're right. Think they're home?"

"Only one way to find out."

So they finished eating and drove over to Richard and Emily's house. They should be finishing supper just about now.

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