Chapter Three

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On Monday, Natalie got ready for the lunch meeting with Mr.Harrison.

By 1pm, she drove to Quong's Cuisines. She got down and walked into the restaurant.

A waiter directed her to the table she had booked for the meeting.

She found him sitting there, his head down typing away at his phone. So she walked over to the table and greeted.

"Good day Mr.Harrison."

Ethan froze.

He knew that voice, heck it'd been haunting him in his dreams for six years now.

He slowly lifted up his head and looked into Natalie's black piercing eyes.

"Natalie?" He chocked getting up.

Her eyes widened and she gasped.

He took a step forward and she turned and fled.

"Natalie!" He called going after her.

She ran to her car, got in, started it and pulled out of the parking lot. Then she zoomed away.

Ethan had gotten in his own car and started following her, when a red 'Benz' blocked his way. It was Axel.

"What the actual hell Ax?!" He cried in frustration and got down from hos car as Axel got down from his.

"Why are you stopping me man?" Je asked walking over to him.

"Don't do this man." His friend replied. "The fact that she's seen you is overwhelming enough. You can't go after her now, she needs space and some time to recover from the shock of seeing you."

"Bloody hell Ax! I've waited six years for this." Ethan argued.

"I know, but at least you know that she the owner of Casa Audrigo. And she's not leaving any time soon."

Ethan ran his hand through his hair in frustration.

"We should retreat now and plan how you'll get her back." His friend suggested.

He grunted in reply, he hated that Axel was always right.

They both got into their cars and drove away.

Natalie parked her car in her drive way and got out. She slowly made het way into her house.

She stood still for a good five minutes before...

"Noooo!" She screamed and began to fling the bags she was carrying. "This can't happen! You can't come back! Why do you have to come back? My life was perfect without you! Why do you have to ruin it?!

Alta, the house keeper ran into the palour.

"Madam, is something wrong? Are you ok?" She inquired in alarm.

"Go away!" Natalie screamed.

"But ma..."

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