Chapter Ten

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After the day's work, Natalie went to pick Eva at her kindergarten. But on getting there, she was told that she had already been picked.

"By who?" She asked.

"Mr. Jenkins." Came the reply.

Tyler? She thought to herself. She remembered that she had not seen him in while.

She tried to shrug off the bad feeling that kept nagging at her. What could possibly be wrong?

After she parked in her driveway, she brought out her phone to see a lot of missed calls from Chloe and a voice mail.

"Natalie..." She heard Chloe's voice as she began to listen to it. She was sounding breathless and wondered what was she was doing.

"Please hurry and pick Eva from school." It continued. "And whatever you do, do not go to your house or mine. Make sure you go to..." A scream and that was the end of the voice mail.

Natalie immediately became alarmed.
She came out of her car and warily approached the door of her house. She opened the door and went inside.

The house was quiet. She looked around the house then called.


No response. She tried again.


Still no response.


No response.

"They can't answer you."

She turned to see Tyler walking out out the kitchen. He had grown considerably thinner, his beard looked like it hadn't been shaved in weeks. He also needed a hair cut and looked like he hadn't showered in weeks.

But the thing that really scared Natalie was the wild look in his eyes. They were like that of a prisoner that just escaped from prison and was out for revenge.

"Where's Eva and Alta?" She asked him.

"Alta took the day off." He replied.

"But I didn't ask her to."

"Well I told her that you did."

"What are you up to Tyler? And where's my baby?"

With that, he gave her a sickly smile and went into the kitchen. She followed him and then to her horror, she saw Eva in one of the dinning chairs. She was tied to the chair, with a piece of cloth tied around her mouth.

On seeing her mom, she began to struggle against the chair and make muffled sounds.

"What have you done?!" Natalie screamed and tried to get to her daughter.

But she was stopped by Tyler who brought out a gun and pointed it at Eva.

"Any step closer and I'll blow her brains."
He said.

Natalie froze. This wasn't the Tyler she knew. This was a complete psycho who was about to harm her daughter.

"Tyler, why are you doing this?" She asked in a shaky voice.

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