Chapter Seven

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Natalie drove them house. She took Ethan straight to the first aid room and began clean him up.

She had made up her mind to forgive him and let Eva know that he's her father. But she wasn't planning on taking back into her life.

"You're even more beautiful than before." Ethan said, breaking the silence.
She paused for sometime, then continued cleaning the bruise on his jaw.

"I've missed you." He continued. 

She looked at him, then continued what she doing. "I should've..."

"Ethan!" She cried. "We've been apart for six years now! I forgive you, but you can't come into my life now. I can't..."

He placed a finger on her lips, silencing her.

"Calm down Natalie, I know. I love you and I'm willing to wait for you, as long as it take. But one thing is for sure, I'm not gonna lose you again...not for the second time." He said.

Natalie looked into the blue orbs staring intently at her and knew that he meant everything he said. She was about to reply when phone rang.

Ethan excuse himself to answer it. When he came back, Natalie had packed away the first aid box.

"There's an emergency back in Texas." He said walking into the room, with his cell phone still in his hands. "I have to head there now. I'll be before next week."

"Ok..." She said slowly.

Natalie saw him to door. Before he walked out, he stopped and said, turning to her.

"I'm sorry for all the pain I caused you. I will try my best to win back your heart."

"It's  been over a long time ago Ethan." She whispered. "Our love is no more, there's nothing more to do."

"I won't say that if I were you." With that, he winked and left.

She sighed and closed the door and walked to her room thinking back to six years ago.

The morning after Ethan's party, Natalie was rushing down the corridor of her faculty when she bumped into Quburat Ahmed, a very popular girl in the faculty...the daughter of a minister.

Natalie's books fell on the floor and she bent down to pick them.

"I'm so sorry." She said getting up.

"Of course you are." Quburat retorted. "You're Natalie right?"

"That's me." She replied eyeing the lecture hall impatiently.

"I heard you ended up in Ethan's room at the party last night." The girl continued.

Natalie felt her cheeks go a slight shade of pink.

"Um...yeah, got a problem with that?"

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