Chapter 2

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*Trigger Warning: Mention of self-harm*

Tyler's POV

I sit on the cold tiled floor looking out the window. Darkness. Pointlessness. In a world so misunderstood, only few can see that it's not in fact, beautiful, it's not a gift; only few can see it for what it really is, ugly. Society has put a mask on the world; trying to prove that life is worth living. Rain falls onto the green grass, sun hidden behind white fluffy clouds. Humans have ruined everything. Humans have created a world so ugly. Humans are also blind, some humans say life is great. I disagree whole-heartedly. If life is great, how come I was taken away from Josh? How come im stuck here to follow pointless rules while they 'fix' me? Josh is probably partying or settling down with a new man or woman, enjoying life while I rot in here every day. My room is dark to match my mood.

"Tyler." I turn my body to see Mark staring at me with a smile.

"Time to get your nails clipped." He says as I roll my eyes.

"Why are you rolling your eyes, Tyler?" He asks.

I shrug, "Because I don't understand why you all hate me so much."

He gives me a sad yet firm look.

"We don't hate you Tyler, what makes you think that?" He asks frowning.

I sigh as I get off the floor and follow Mark out of my room.

"Because you make me suffer. First you make me eat a whole heap of shit, then you take my razor and now you fucking cut off my nails because im a 'self-destructive' kid!" I mock as anger fills me.

"How did you get that razor, may I ask?" he says ignoring my anger.

"No you may not ask. That's for me to know and you to never find out." I say as he rolls his eyes and keeps walking.

"Ah, Mr. Joseph! How are you?" A doctor called David says.

"Shit thanks, how 'bout you?" I say sarcastically.

"Oh Tyler, you have been here for how long now?" He says.

"A year." A woman called Jenny says.

"Yes, Tyler you have been here for a while now and you still haven't made any friends. You will need to talk to your therapist about that I think." David smiles.

Fuck him! I don't want to be friends with crazy people.

"Just give me the nail cutters already dude." I say in frustration.

"No can do bud." He says as I shoot a confused look to the fuckwit with the nail clippers.

I always cut my nails...

"Why?" I ask.

"Because of your slip up with the razor a few days ago, it has caused us to make the conscious decision that you are not allowed any sharp objects in your possession, therefore I will cut them from now on." He says as I knit my eyebrows together.

He grabs my hand and I pull away fast.

"Tyler-" I cut him off.

"Don't fucking touch me!" I yell as he looks at the other people in the room.

It's not that hard to cut my nails without touching my hand.

"Calm down Tyler." Mark says softly.

"Give me the nail clippers and I will do it myself." I say reaching for the nail clippers.

"Sorry but these are sharp and if you're on the suicide watch list, you can't have anything sharp." David says as I glare hatefully at him. You know, I wouldn't mind killing the bastard...

"If looks could kill." A woman laughs as I begin to glare at her.

Problem is honey, my looks can kill. I could do it right now, kill everyone in here...

"Okay Tyler, we will cut your nails without holding your hand, sorry." The man says with a smile.

"Fuck you!" I say as I try to leave the room.

A hand shoots out and grabs my arm, making me almost choke on air and stop moving. Panic sets in as the hand grips me, waiting for my next move. I begin to shake and my breathing stops.

"D-Don't...touch m-me..." I whisper as I feel tears begin to cloud my vision.

"Tyler, you need to stay with us." The person says, still gripping my arm.

"DON'T TOUCH ME! GET THE FUCK AWAY!" I desperately scream as I manage to get out of the dickheads grip.

I look at the ground while they all look at each other.


"D-Don't t-touch me..." I begin to sob, bringing my shaking hands to my face.

"Tyler, im sorry..." I hear a sad voice.

I turn and walk away towards my room as I hear footsteps behind me. I ignore them and keep walking, eventually getting to my room. I walk in and before I get to close the door the psychologist Mark begins speaking; I lay in my bed crying while he blabs on.

"Im sorry that happened Tyler, Mrs. Carter didn't know you don't like being touched." he says as I wipe my red eyes.

"You will be going to therapy soon so rest up." he smiles softly and leaves me alone.

I use my power to slam the door shut.

I want Josh...

Telepathy (Joshler)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن