Chapter 15

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*Trigger Warning: Self harm and mention of suicide*

Josh's POV

I walk into the cafeteria to see all the patients except Tyler. Is he still unconscious?

"Hello!" I hear a loud voice behind me, making me jump a mile.

I turn to see a guy with black hair and a chunk that is bright red. I bite my lip and offer a smile.

"You new?" He says with a smile.

I nod.

"Im Jack Barakat, nice to meet you." He says holding his hand out.

I shake his hand.

"Im Joshua Dun but people call me Josh..." I mumble.

"Well Josh, wanna sit with me and my friends?" Jack asks.

I nod as he leads the way to a table with a group of boys sitting and talking.

"Guy's, this is Joshua Dun but people call him Josh." Jack says as all eyes turn and stare at me.

"They are Alex, Andy, Kellin, Vic, Oliver and Ronnie." Jack says as I nod.

"Sit down Josh." Kellin says as I smile and sit next to Jack.

"So how long are you in here for?" One guy says with long dark hair; Oliver I think.

I shrug. God know how long im in this place for...

"Why are you here?" Kellin asks.

"Kellin! Sorry Josh, Kellin sometimes doesn't think before speaking..." Andy says while glaring at Kellin.

I smile.

"All good..." I bite my lip and look down.

Everyone starts talking to one another.

Fuck off Blurry! I already know, you've told me a thousand times...

My head shoots up and scans the cafeteria for Tyler. There is no sign of him...

"Who are you looking for?" Jack asks me as they all watch me.

"I, um...T-Tyler..." I say quietly.

"Who?" Andy says.

"Wait, Tyler! The weird kid." Andy adds as they all nod in agreement.

Ouch...that kind of hurt...

"Tyler won't be in here. He doesn't eat in here. Last time he was here he refused to eat again and they sent him to his room. Do you know Tyler?" Vic says.

"Um...y-yeah..." I say as I look down.

Yeah I fucked Tyler twice and dated him before he moved here...I wonder how that would go down if I said that...

"No one goes near him and he stays in his room all the time. He has never spoken to anyone..." Vic adds as I sigh.

Poor Tyler must be so scared...


I almost choke on air as I hear his desperate screams in my head. What do I do?

Tyler's POV

I sit in the corner of the white room crying as Blurry laughs.

Tyler- Blurry starts but I cut him off.

"FUCK OFF!" I scream through desperate tears.

Im desperate...desperate for no more pain, desperate for Josh, desperate for death...

You're worthless Tyler. Face it, you failed suicide AGAIN! If you were smart you'd be dead by now. Blurry hisses.

I cry harder; sobs filling the lonely room. It's true...I am worthless...I deserve death and nothing else.

Scratch. Blurry orders.

I sob hard as I pull my sleeve up. I give into Blurry...he always wins.

Yes I do. Blurry smiles.

I notice my nails cut and sigh. I wipe my tears that threaten to spill.

I guess I can't scratch...

Find something.

There is nothing.

God you're so useless! Give me your arm, I'll do it. Blurry says as I see him in front of me.

D-Don't touch m-me...

GIVE ME YOUR FUCKING ARM NOW!  Blurry screams at me as I flinch.

I extend my arm as he grips my wrist hard. I bite my lip and watch as Blurry brings his razor sharp nails down onto my scared skin. He slices through, gliding his nails through my flesh.

"AHHH! FUCK!" I scream in pain as I throw my head back, allowing tears to fall.

Just a few more... Blurry says as pain shoots through my arm.

This is way more painful than cutting with a razor...

"S-stop...p-plea-please!" I sob as blood gushes everywhere.

Nearly done.

"No-no-no-no! Stop Blurry...STOP! IT HURTS PLEASE!" I scream as I hear Blurry laugh.

I shut my eyes tight as pain rocks my body. I sit shaking as blood floods out of my torn arm. I feel blurry grip tighter onto my wrist as he does one last deep cut, laughing like a maniac. I let out a bloodcurdling scream as he laughs.

"TYLER?!" I hear the door fly open.

I fall to my side, curling up into a ball as blood covers the floor around me. I sob as the person gets closer.

"Tyler..." I hear Mark say as I open my eyes.

"G-Go..." I whisper, barley loud enough for me to hear.

"Im gonna give you an injection that puts you to sleep while we stitch you up, okay?" Mark says as he rushes out of the room.

I truly hope that I die...please God let me die!

A few minutes later Mark comes back in with other nurses and doctors.

"Ready?" He says to me while holding a big needle.

I stay crying as I feel the needle piece though my skin. I sob and scream until I feel myself losing consciousness.

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