Chapter 22

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We walk for what feels like hours until Mr. Bubbles stops out the front of a restaurant.

"Glork." I say in shock.

Glork is a restaurant I made up when I was little; it's like a futuristic one where robots serve you and they only sell tacos.

"The Fixers stay in here." Mr. Bubbles says as he leads me into the restaurant.

"How may I help you, gentlemen?" A female robot says as we walk in.

"Here to see The Fixers please." Mr. Bubbles says.

"As you wish sir." The robot replies before taking us around the back of the restaurant where The Fixers sit.

"Tyler Joseph, our wonderful creator! How may we help you sir?" One of the five Fixers says to me with a smile.

"I just wanted to stop and say hi." I say with a smile.

The Fixers are one of my favorite imaginary things. They are called The Fixers because when I created them they fixed me. I created them when Johnny was raping me...they brought me to a different place when I was going through that. They took my mind off it while it was happening and the same thing happened when I was raped for the second time. Josh said to me how when he walked in on me being raped he couldn't read my mind; that was because I was with The Fixers in another world. So The Fixers are amazing.

"Well it's nice to see you happy this time." One of The Fixers says as I nod.

"What brings you here?" another one questions.

"Im going to Eklecta to fight Blurryface." I say as they gasp.

"Sir, you never told me you were going to fight him! He is far too dangerous." Mr. Bubbles cuts in.

"I will be fine. It's my mind and I can do what I want." I say as they nod sadly.

"Well, we will come too." The Fixers say as my eyes widen.

"Really?" I say.

"Yep. If you need help, we will help." One of them says as I smile widely.

"Thankyou." I say as they nod.

"Let's go Tyler." Mr. Bubbles says as we follow him out of the restaurant.

"TYLER?!" I hear my name being yelled.

I turn to see a monkey and a dog running up to me.

"Great..." Mr. Bubbles says sarcastically.

"Hey!" I smile.

"Remember us?" The monkey smiles.

"Of course! Mr. Murphy and T-Bone." I say as they smile.

"How are you?" T-Bone asks.

"Good thanks. We are on our way to Eklecta to fight Blurryface." I say as Mr. Murphy smiles.

"Can we come? Please?" They ask.

"Of course you can!" I say as we all start walking again.

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