Chapter 17

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Tyler's POV

I sit on the floor staring at the blank white wall. I wonder what Josh is doing with his life...probably settling down with a girlfriend or boyfriend...probably having fun and forgetting about his useless boyfriend that is in a mental hospital...

He's happy without you. Blurry says as I continue to stare at the wall.

I allow a tear to slip down my cheek as I sigh. I hate my life...

Should have ended it a long time ago...

I know...

I look down at my bandaged arm and shake my head. Blurry did a great job of tearing my arm apart...shame I didn't die.

Want me to try again, maybe cut a vein or two?  Blurry offers as my eyes go wide with fear.

"N-No..." I whisper coldly.

I continue staring at the wall. I give up on life. There is no point in living...

"Tyler?" I hear the door open as I flinch.

I stare at the wall as Marks voice echo's through the padded room.

"How are you feeling?" Mark says as he comes and sits next to me.

I shrug. Im emotionless. Im truly at rock bottom...

"What happened? Those aren't normal scratches Tyler, what did you use?" Mark says as my dark, hollow eyes flick down to the bandaged arm and then back up to the empty wall.

"Blurry." I say quietly.

"Wait, so you're saying...Blurry did this?" He says unconvinced.

I nod. Mark lets out a sigh as I shake my head.

"He won't stop until im might as well let me die now." I say emotionlessly.

Mark looks at me with sad eyes. He doesn't know what to reply with; I can tell by his worried face that he is trying to muster up a reply.

"I don't want you to die and neither does anyone else." Mark says softly.

I nod, too weak to argue.

"How are you feeling since the day you took the pills?" Mark asks as I breathe in sharply.

Flashbacks erupt in my mind, causing me to feel some sort of emotion I haven't felt before.


"Tyler, stay awake." Josh says again as he kneels down next to me.

I slowly close my eyes as my head hurts. I soon feel hands pull me. I open my eyes as Josh moves me onto all fours.

"N-No're a-a hallucination..." I mumble.

As I finish speaking Josh pulls my mouth open and shoves his fingers down my throat. I gag as he does it again before I violently throw up into the tiled floor. I pant out of breath as Josh sticks his fingers into my mouth again as I try to say stop. I vomit again as Josh sighs in relief. I look at the pile of vomit and notice some of the pills. I stare at the messy floor as Josh stands up and goes out of the room before returning with Mark.

"Tyler?!" Mark says in shock.

I look up to see Josh with tears falling. My vision fades as I begin to lose consciousness again.

"H-Hallucination..." I whisper as I collapse into blackness.


"Tyler?" Mark snaps me back into reality.

"I've been h-hallucinating..." I say as Mark looks at me in shock.

"Hallucinating?" He says in shock.

I nod, "Yeah...I've been seeing my boyfriend..." I say quietly as Mark nods.

"Do you only see him?" Mark questions.

"No, I hear him in my Blurry..." I say as I bite my lip, still staring at the same fucking wall.

"Tyler, I would like to run some test's to make sure you don't have schizophrenia or anything like that, is that okay?" He asks as I nod.

"Also, you used to have emotion but now you are...flat?" Mark says as he stands up.

"What's the point of emotion?" I say coldly.

"What?" He says confused.

"Just go away." I say, tired of talking.

Mark leaves without another word.

Josh's POV

"Josh, what did you used to do before you came here?" Vic asks as we all sit on the grass, allowing sunlight to tan our skin.

"Um..." I say thinking hard.

"Before my boyfriend got taken away from me we used to hang out..." I say as they all nod.

"Taken away?" Jack questions.

"Long story..." I mumble while looking down.

"Oh..." Jack replies as I nod.


The doctor comes in and smiles sympathetically as I sit on the bed hugging Tyler.

"Mr. Joseph, have you said your goodbyes?" The doctor asks.

Tyler nods. I feel him starting to shake.

"Well you are going to leave now I am afraid." The doctor says as I get off the bed.

"N-No Josh please don't leave!" Tyler panics.

"Baby you will be fine." I say holding back sobs.

I walk towards the door and stop, I turn around to see Tyler being held down by the doctor and nurses.

"JOSH NO DON'T LEAVE ME! PLEASE!" Tyler screams in desperation.

"G-Goodbye Tyler..." I say as Tyler watches me leave the room.

JOSH HELP ME! Tyler yells in his head at me as I ignore his pleads.

"JOSH! PLEASE!" I hear Tyler scream as I walk out of the hospital.

I don't look back...


"Josh, you okay? Sorry I asked..." Jack says sympathetically.

That's when I notice my tears falling. I quickly wipe them as I stand up.

"I gonna go rest for um, for a bit..." I mumble as I practically speed walk into the hospital, running towards my room as tears spill.

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