Chapter Twelve

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Jennet glanced at Tam. She didn’t want to explain that he could get trapped in-world if he ate anything here. That would open up an entire barrel of worms that she wasn’t ready to talk about now. If ever.

She exhaled, letting the last of the fear leave her lungs, and pulled in a deep breath of sweet air. This first level of Feyland was supposed to be safe. She’d brought him in without much explanation because they weren’t supposed to get into any trouble at the beginning. Boy had she been wrong about that.

Nothing was going the way she’d planned. The elation of finally making it back in-game and picking up a quest that would lead to the next level had quickly curdled to fear when the Black Knight had shown up. She’d been sure he was going to pound Tam into the ground, then turn and fling her back outside the borders of Feyland.

But thanks to her champion, that hadn’t happened.

Tam had bested the Black Knight. She had been so afraid. So proud. She wished she could have helped, instead of being bound into frustrating immobility by Puck, but it made crazy sense. It was Tam’s test, after all.

“So, which way is the river?” Tam asked. He turned in a slow circle and the sunlight glinted off his armor.

She should call it now, and send him home. He’d done what he was supposed to - helped her reactivate the game quests. She could handle it from here. Besides, the Dark Queen was dangerous. It was Jennet’s responsibility to make sure Tam didn’t get too deep in-world.

“Well… we should probably log off.”

“What?” He turned to her, surprise in his green eyes. “We can’t just quit now. We have a quest to complete. Besides, I’m having fun.”

“Fun. Right.” She shook her head. Her idea of fun didn’t include being pummeled by ferocious knights. But then, guys were different that way.

Would it hurt if he came with her a little further? If they completed the quest together? It would be quick and easy, and it was so nice to have someone along. Someone strong. Someone she could trust.

“Come on, Jennet,” he said. “Let’s keep going.”

“All right,” she said, and was rewarded by a flash of his smile. “I think the river is this direction. There should be a trail.”

She took a firm grip on her staff and set off, away from Fynnod’s quiet cottage. The grasses around them swayed in the wind, and the sky was once more clear and bright.

Tam strode beside her, glancing to either side. “This is really tight world-building. Though I’m glad everything doesn’t smell like bananas too. Hey.” He paused. “Do you hear that?”

She cocked her head, but heard only the breeze rustling in the tall grass, birds chirping. “I don’t hear anything.”

“Someone’s calling for help.” He set his hand to his sword and turned to their left. “This way. Come on.”

“Tam, wait. Things here aren’t always what they seem…” She was talking to his back.

Stifling a sigh, she hurried after him. He was a good hero, but couldn’t he be a little more cautious? Then again, he didn’t truly understand what they were dealing with. And whose fault was that?

Guilt twisted through her.

All right. As soon as they got out, she’d talk to him and explain how, exactly, Feyland was dangerous. Whether or not he’d believe her - well, that was a risk she had to take.

She caught up to Tam, who was turning a slow circle in the waist-high grass.

“I hear a voice,” he said, a note of frustration in his tone, “but there’s nobody here.”

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