Chapter 2

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There was really nothing to do on the ship so, Beth logged on to her holo-desk and started browsing through the library's contents. Nothing looked very interesting. Beth's thoughts started to wander.

She thought back to one of the many nights that her father had come home drunk, he had stormed through the door angrily muttering about something that had happened at work.

He had been so angry that he yelled at Mother for not making meatballs with the spaghetti. She had known by then not to argue, but father still hit her.

After dinner he had yelled at Beth for having not done the dishes promptly after eating. She had started protesting, but that just made him furious and he lashed out with his big, calloused hand and hit her.

The blow had stung and afterwards had started burning, that night she had cried herself to sleep.

The dinner bell on her holo-desk brought her out of her day-dream.

She pulled on her slightly-too-big, standard issue colony ship boots and palmed the holo pad next to the door. By then she had memorized the route to the mess hall, so finding it wasn't too much trouble, but the bland off-white walls of the ship had started to get tiring.

Beth entered the wide doorway to the mess hall just as they set out the last bowl of gray-ish mush. She got in line silently dreading the generic putty-like food that they ate all the time, but she held out her tray and accepted a scoop out of every bowl with a plastered on smile.

She found a table and started to eat. The food didn't have a specific taste but it all felt like eating wet, muddy sawdust.

She ate as much as she could bear, marveling that anything like that could have any nutritional value at all.

She walked back to her dorm and after brushing her teeth and a quick shower, she got in bed and with a last look at the picture on her bedside table, she clapped the lights off and drifted into sleep.

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