Chapter 77

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With that one hospital visit, everything changed. The lifelong insecurity of being infertile had simply vanished. The part of her that she'd always considered damaged had been healthy the entire time.

Beth sat on the porch of her cabin. Gently swinging back and forth on a delightful porch swing Liam had built. She rested her hand upon her stomach, simply amazed that she was able to carry life within. She was hardly showing at all yet, but Ruth said she'd start to notice very soon and before she knew it she'd be holding the baby in her arms. Beth smiled at the idea. She couldn't wait to be a mother. A dream of hers that was now possible.

"Okay, I'm back," Liam announced, his arms full of things.

"Ooo, yay!" Beth exclaimed excitedly. "Did you find it?"

"Well, no. Not exactly, but I managed to make some." Liam replied, handing her a glass.

"Strawberry lemonade?" she asked.

"Yes, made with fresh strawberries and lemons." Liam smiled.

"Liam you didn't have to go through all that trouble just to get me a glass of strawberry lemonade." She suddenly felt guilty.

"It was my pleasure," Liam said. "I got the other things you requested as well."

For days Beth had been experiencing random food cravings. Especially strawberry lemonade. "Aww, Liam you're truly the best." She said.

"No, you are." He argued playfully.

"Totally not true, all I do is sit around." She argued back.

"You are growing a baby!" He exclaimed, a wide grin on his face.

"Well, I guess that is pretty amazing." Beth agreed.

Liam sat beside her, presenting the other requested snacks, which were celery sticks with peanut butter, cheddar cheese cubes, and watermelon.

"Thank you so much, Liam." She said.

"You're very welcome my dear, that is, as long as you share." He laughed, grabbing the biggest piece of watermelon.

Beth set her lemonade down on the side table and grabbed a piece of melon as well. She hummed with delight as the sweet juice dripped down her chin.

"So, what are we gonna name him?" Liam asked.

"Who?" Beth asked, lost in the world of watermelon bliss.

"Our baby!" Liam laughed in reply.

"Oh, right." Beth laughed. "How are you so sure it's a boy?"

"Because I just know," Liam stated confidently.

"Well, I think she's going to be a girl," Beth argued back.

"Thinking isn't the same as knowing," Liam said.

"There is no way you can know. We'll see when she is born." Beth replied. She honestly didn't care what her baby turned out to be. She was just overjoyed by the simple fact that she was having one.

Liam placed his hand on her non-existent bump. "Either way, you're going to be a great mother."

Beth leaned into him. "And you are going to be an amazing father."

The evening was fast approaching and the light began to dim. Beth closed her eyes, savoring the moment when all of a sudden, CRUUUNCH. She opened her eyes to see Liam happily munching a celery stick. She shoved him playfully.

"Hey, what was that for?" He mumbled, his mouth full of food.

"You startled me," Beth replied. "Could you pass me one of those?"

Liam passed her a piece of celery covered all over in ooey-gooey peanut butter.

Beth crunched even louder than Liam had. "Mmmm."

"This must be an extra loud batch of celery!" Liam exclaimed.

"An extra good batch as well," Beth said taking another bite.

The remainder of the snacks were soon devoured. Beth happily smacked the last of the peanut butter from her fingers. She eyed the empty plate and marveled at how much her appetite had changed. In the coming months, she'd experience many more changes.

Her brain was currently an emotional roller coaster, one moment she was terrified, the next, exhilarated. She clasped Liam's hand to steady herself. Her rollercoaster was spiraling. Nausea rose in her throat.

Liam's hand was warm and reassuring. His hand embraced hers wholeheartedly and he went a step further pulling Beth into himself.

Liam sensed her discomfort. "Are you okay?"

"Just a bit of nausea," Beth replied with a groan.

Even with the possibility of being covered in vomit, Liam drew her even closer. Beth closed her eyes, focusing on Liam's tender strokes across her shoulder, willing her nausea to subside.

Beth's rollercoaster slowed to a crawl. She sighed in relief as the nausea slipped away.

"Feeling any better?" Liam asked.

"Yeah, much better." She sat up straighter and stared into Liam's face with a smile.

"What?" He grinned.

"Oh, nothing," Beth replied. "I'm just so in love with you."

"I love you too." He said, drawing her into a passionate yet gentle kiss.

Beth would have loved for the kiss to go on forever, but even this one left her quietly gasping for breath.

'It's a beautiful night." Liam examined.

"Yes, quite beautiful," Beth said, not looking away from Liam's face.

Liam grabbed her hand and put the slowly rocking porch swing to a stop with his foot. "Would you care to go for an evening stroll madam?" He said in a mock accent.

"Why, I'd love to my good sir." She replied laughingly, trying to copy his accent.

Liam stood up and offered her his hand.

She graciously accepted it and Liam drew her into a standing position. Then to her surprise he planted a kiss on the top of her hand.

"Since when did you become a noble gentleman?" She laughed.

"Oh, I have always been one. Haven't you noticed?" He joked.

"No, I actually haven't noticed." Beth laughed. She loved that he could be serious one moment, then be jovial the next. Always trying to bring a smile to her face.

After a quick trip to the bathroom, she always seemed to need to go nowadays, they set out on their walk.

Without a specific route in mind, they eventually wandered down to the lakeside, slowly walking along the shore. Hands clasped.

The sunset, or skyfade, (that's what the Viscoridans called it), was absolutely gorgeous. The sky was a display of soft orange hues, with faint swirls of purple. It was quite literally unearthly.

Liam began humming softly. Beth joined in. It was a perfect moment. And Beth knew she had a lifetime full of moments ahead of her. With Liam by her side.

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