Chapter 41

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   Meelah entered the room. Her usual calm demeanor was replaced by stern hostility. Kelbar recoiled.

   "Get up." She said.

   Kelbar sat up slowly. He felt dizzy.

   "GET UP." She repeated.

   Kelbar didn't move. Her hostility confused him.

   She quickly stepped towards him, took a hold of his arms and roughly wrenched him off the floor. She took a firm grip on his arm and led him out of the room.

    Even in his weakened condition, Kelbar could have easily overpowered her, but he let Meelah lead him forward without resistance.

    She led him down a series of hallways and into a large lit-up cavern filled with people. It seemed to be some sort of meeting or gathering. Meelah made her way to a clearing in the center of the crowd, pushing him along. There was a large raised platform of rock in the center and they stepped onto it. She handed him off to a couple of strong looking guards, then stood to the side.

    A strong confident voice began to speak and the room quieted. The owner of the voice also stood on the platform. He stood with authority. Kelbar could see that he was a leader.

   "As you all know," The voice began, "The Dire Region is strictly forbidden. To maintain safety for our whole community it is vital that we respect this rule."

   Shouts of agreement echoed through the crowd.

   The leader continued. "One of our own was found breaking this rule." He said, gesturing towards Kelbar. "We are gathered here to ask his motives for disrespecting the rules and to judge his due punishment."

   The leader looked at Kelbar questioningly, inviting him to speak. Panic surged through him. This sounded very serious. He remained silent.

   "Why did you go into the Dire Region?" He asked Kelbar.

    Kelbar decided to tell the truth, even if they didn't believe a word he said.

   "I fell," Kelbar said hesitantly.

   "Please go on." The leader said somewhat kindly.

   With renewed faith, Kelbar continued speaking. He told his story from the time his journey started to his plummet into darkness. It tumbled out of him. His words projected off the cave walls, loud and clear. When he was finished the room hung with the truth of his story. No one could accuse him of telling a lie. The guards loosened their grip and looked to the leader for direction.

    "I feel without a doubt that what you say is true. Please excuse our crude welcome." He glanced at the guards and they released their grip and backed away. "I am Jakam, leader of this village."

    Kelbar took Jakam's extended hand and nodded in respect.

   "We have many questions to ask you," Jakam said.

   Kelbar swayed with weariness at his statement.

   Jakam noticed his fatigue. "Of course, only after you are well rested," he added. Then to the crowd, he said. "This gathering is concluded, thank you all for your support and participation."

    People began flooding out of the cavern, echoes of excitement and curiosity bounced off the walls. Kelbar nearly collapsed into Meelah's arms, and the guards helped escort him back to the healer's cave.

     Kelbar settled into his pit of sand. His head throbbed with pain. Meelah seemed to know exactly what he needed. She gave him some cool water infused with healing herbs. His headache dulled almost instantly and he drifted off into a restful sleep.

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