Chapter 27

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Kelbar sat beneath the window in Beth's room. He had awakened early and had surveyed the whole room as Beth slept. It was about the size of his hut back home, but much cleaner. He couldn't find a speck of dirt anywhere. A slight pang of homesickness tugged at his heart. He missed the warm rusty smell of his dirt floor and the sweet scent of the dried grass of his hut.

"I wonder how long the journey to my planet will be?" His thoughts questioned. "And I wonder how I even got on this ship in the first place?" Sitting there alone made his mind overflowing with questions.

"I'll ask Beth when she returns."He concluded.

Kelbar studied the room some more. It was all white and plain, but there was nothing like it on his planet, so despite its plainness, he was quite fascinated by it. He closed his eyes and leaned his head back against the wall. It was so quiet. So peaceful. No monsters, and no whistling. He could get used to this. Those horrid monsters had terrorized and killed hoards of his people, including his entire family. Kelbar hoped some of them had somehow escaped and were hiding somewhere far away, but he was never able to find them. Every time he did venture out to search, he was putting himself in very considerable danger. The whistling of the monsters was inescapable and his biggest fear was to die alone, the last of his kind.

He tried to remember his family. It had been so long he was starting to forget. "I don't wanna forget." His mind whispered as a single bright blue tear slid to his cheek. More tears formed and he let them come. He was soon softly crying. The blue teardrops fell in multitudes down his face, creating a small stain on the spotless white carpet.

He allowed himself to quietly sob for a few minutes then wiped his teary eyes and stood up. His face was full of sorrow as he turned and stared out the window. Somewhere out there was his planet, where horrendous creatures dwelt on forlorn, desolate land strewn with abandoned homes. At first, all he could think of was revenge. His daily quest was to destroy the monsters, but now his hatred had dwindled and he lived day by day trying to survive, destined to die alone.


"I wonder how Kelbar is doing?" Beth thought as she worked. She glanced at the clock, it was nearing breakfast. She tried to focus on her work, but her mind kept wandering. "Is Kelbar okay? Does he need food? How do I get him food?..." She was starting to get stressed out and couldn't concentrate on her work at all. Beth sighed in frustration and begin putting things away to tidy up her desk before breakfast. When she was done she sat back in her seat and closed her eyes for a moment, trying to calm herself. After a few seconds, she could feel a strange heat behind her eyelids and her body felt like it was vibrating. Instantly Beth knew what was happening. "Please, not now!" But it was too late, she opened to eyes and found herself sitting among tufts of teal grass near the small encampment of huts.

"Ugh, I've really got to learn to control this." She muttered in an irritated voice.

Beth stood up and looked around. A wave of relief rushed over her as she saw the lizard creature was nowhere in sight. "But it may know the alien lives here, so it might return." She thought.

She did what she'd done before. She started walking. Once she was under the fungus trees, she decided to pick as many heart-limes as she could to somehow bring back to Kelbar. She used her sweatshirt as a makeshift bag. When it was full, she sat down. Beth tried to remember how she had gotten back in the past. It was usually when she'd fallen asleep. Last time it was when she was being attacked. "I don't really feel safe taking a nap right here." She thought. "And I definitely don't want to meet that monster again. Maybe if I just closed my eyes." Beth leaned back against a tree like she had done earlier in her desk chair. She closed her eyes and thought really hard about the ship. Several minutes passed. Nothing happened.

Fear gripped Beth's heart. All her hope for returning was slowly diminishing with each passing second. She closed her eyes tighter, her mind fully trained on the ship. When several more minutes came and went, she felt defeated. Beth opened her eyes and put her face into her hands, her breathing became heavy and tears of despair dared to form in her eyes.

After sitting there awhile, Beth got up, picked up her sweatshirt full of fruit and decided to go back to Kelbar's hut. She trudged along, all hope absent from her face. When she reached the hut, she entered and sat down on a mat. Suddenly her stomach growled loudly and she remembered that she had not eaten breakfast. She was glad of the fruit she had picked earlier as she began eating a heart-lime from her makeshift bag. After eating a few, she began to feel better. Being hungry did sometimes make her a little grumpy.

Now full and contented, Beth's hope had partially returned. She decided to try again, but this time start with something smaller. She got up and looked around until her eyes fell on the doorway of the hut. "I'll just try teleporting right outside the door. That shouldn't be too hard." She thought.

She closed her eyes and took a long deep breath, blowing out through her mouth. Instead of focusing on the spot she wanted to go, she set her focus on her body. She made herself conscious of every muscle from her head to the bottom of her feet. Then she imagined her body outside the doorway of the hut. She felt some heat under her eyelids and a slight vibration. Then it stopped. She immediately felt discouraged and thought it had not worked, because she felt exactly the same. She opened her eyes, expecting disappointment. Then her eyes grew wide in triumphant excitement. She was outside! It had worked!

Beth, now full of confidence, rushed back into the hut and got her fruit-filled sweatshirt. She closed her eyed and mimicked exactly what she'd just done, but instead imagined herself standing in her room. Her body vibrated and her eyes grew hot. When those sensations stopped she opened her eyes to see Kelbar staring at her in surprise.

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