Chapter 5

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Walking away from the table, after eating breakfast with Beth, Liam brought his empty dish to the gathering pile for the kitchen staff to clean.

Before leaving the mess hall, he took a glance at Beth, she was lost in thought, her intense and beautiful violet eyes staring off into space. He loved Beth, but she didn't seem ready for that kind of relationship right now.

"Someday."Liam thought to himself.

Recently they seemed to be growing apart, and Liam was afraid of losing his relationship with her. He also didn't want to thrust anything upon her that she couldn't handle at the moment. Overall, if he wanted this relationship to go anywhere, he would have to maneuver it with delicacy.

On his way to the planetary preparation workstations, a man stopped him in the hallway.

"Mr. Anderson." The man said.

"Yes, I am he," Liam replied to the man.

"I need you to do something for me." Said the man in a stern voice.

Being a generally helpful person, Liam replied, "Sure."

"Pin this to the door of Beth Fields. I understand you know her, and the location of her quarters?" Said the man, handing Liam an envelope.

Though thinking it rather strange, Liam took the note and said,"Yeah, I know her. I'm on my way to PPW ( Planetary Preparation Workstations ), her quarters are on the way, I'll pin it to her door as I pass."

After hearing that Liam would do this for him, the man nodded and promptly walked away. Liam continued on his way. When he reached Beth's door, he firmly pinned the envelope there. He fought the urge to open the envelope and take a peek, but being a very honest and trustworthy young man, he did not.

Upon arriving at the workstations, Liam found his department, ( which was architecture ) and sat down to work. He had quite a lot to keep him busy, studying the planets materials, sketching designs, and hoards of planning.

Liam was just sharing some ideas with the others in the architectural division when a message bell sounded on his holo-desk. It was Beth, she wanted to hang out. As much as he wanted to, he was extremely busy.

Liam replied to her message, telling her that he was very busy at the moment. Several minutes later the bell sounded again.

The message read,"Liam, something weird happened after breakfast this morning, I found a note that said "death" on it. Pretty weird, huh?"

Liam immediately responded and told her that he had put the note on her door and that a man had asked him to.

"Who was he?" She typed.

"I have no idea," Liam replied.

Beth didn't message anymore after that. Liam was filled with worry. That man in the hall seemed serious, that note was most likely not a joke. He reassured himself that Beth would be fine, and continued working.

Beth wasn't at lunch. All during the meal time, Liam anxiously waited for her to walk into the mess hall, but she never showed up. He wanted to go and check on her but was far too busy with all the work he had to catch up on.

"She probably just wasn't hungry, or perhaps was taking a nap, Beth often took naps during lunchtimes." Thought Liam, trying to ease his worry.

He pushed all thoughts, not relating to work, out of his mind. He needed to focus. He didn't want peoples' homes on Nyx falling down because he was unable to design a firm foundation due to an overly worried mind.

Liam worked all through the remaining hours of the day. He ignored the dinner bell and was late. Again, Beth wasn't there, but he figured she had eaten and left. He ate his meal with the few late stragglers that were there.

Later, after all work for the day was done, Liam lay in his room, exhausted. He decided that he would message Beth and then go to bed early. Logging onto his holo-desk, he clicked on Beth's profile.

"Hey Beth, how've you been?" He typed.

After a few minutes, he got a reply. I'm fine, I am pretty sure that the note was a joke. Don't stress about it. Goodnight."

"Goodnight," Liam replied, before shutting off his holo-desk.

"She's right, I shouldn't stress about it," He thought, as he clapped the lights off and closed his eyes.

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