Early Release

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Prison changes a man. In my case I was already bad, labeled a murderer, ruthless, so I didn't have far to go. My anger wasn't at receiving time, my anger wasn't at the judge who threw the book at me. My anger wasn't even because I was given such a large amount of time. No, my anger was only directed at one lone woman. A woman that did me in, ratted me out. A woman that I loved deeply, whom I would have handed the world to. A woman that I treated as a princess, called my sunshine because she lit up my dark soul. That woman is none other than Avery Tanner.

My every thought is consumed with her. Of how I will make her pay the ultimate price for selling me out. I've thought up several ways to make her suffer at my hands. No that bitches death won't be quick. She will know what it's like to be a imprisoned in every sense of the word. From cleaning my home, fixing my food and warming my bed. She will pull time the Marettia way and once her sentence is up she won't march free, nope not at all. She'll die.

Two guards walked me to the gates. I saw Tallon on the other side waiting for me. The gates opened and the guard undid my cuffs. That judge, as well as Avery were fools to think I'd ever pull that amount of time. No, not me, not with my connections and money. All it took was a few crooked politicians and the right amount of cash and here I am.

Two years and three months shaved off my life due to that bitch. Now it's her turn. She will live under my command for that exact amount of time. Glancing at my watch, I recalled the exact time of my release, two twenty-four. Avery will die at that exact time as well. I knew she had been placed in a witness protection program but that won't stop me. Bitch ought to know I'll find her. She knows I have a few bad cop's on my payroll.

True, I could have had Tallon and my other men hunt her down but I wanted it to be me. I wanted her to see my face, know that I was the one who found her.

As I got closer to Tallon he smiled and we clasped hands. "Feel good to be a free man?" He asked.

"Shit, I wouldn't know. Yea I was locked up for two years but I ran things in there.".

Prison life wasn't too bad on me. Don't get it wrong, I hated being in there but my name was known amongst the other inmates. They knew better than to fuck with me. I spent my day's working out or running illegal card game's. I could easily earn six hundred a day.

"Where to?" Tallon asked as we fastened our seatbelts. "Home. To the Hacinda. I've missed that place".

On the ride Tallon filled me in on the business and any other important happenings duiring my absence. This jail stint didn't slow my roll any. My men kept all my under dealings going as well as my casino's. Once home, I showered the prison scent off me and slid into a suit. Man, that felt good. Making my way to my office, I ordered my top men to join me.

After discussing deals, client's, and finances I was pretty much caught up to speed. I read over a few important paper's then got to the matter at hand.

"Tallon, contact our cop's and have Avery Tanners whereabouts reported, as well as that fucker Jerry whatever".

Tallon gave me a serious look.

"There a problem"? I asked.

"What's your plan's with Avery?"

"That's no one's concern. Just do as I say. Are you afraid Lana will have issues with this?"

Tallon had recently proposed to Lana and I wasn't sure where they would stand on this.

"She hasn't seen nor spoken to Avery since the bust. I'm certain she won't care what goes down".

"That's good to know Tallon. Make sure she stays that way. Your future wife or not, I won't have anyone disrupting my plans. Understood?'

"Got it boss".

After he left, I sat in my office thinking of all that transpired over the past few years. Never would I allow another women to do me in. Never would I love another. My princess was about to turn into Cinderella. Many nights in prison I laid awake wondering where she was? What she was doing? Was she out there living it up, having a grand time while I rotted behind these bars? Also many night's the memory of her plump ass and our bedroom scenes played through my mind. If I concentrated hard enough I could here her calling my name like only she can do. Then I'd snap out of it and wonder what the hell the moisture in my eye's was. I Severo Marettia, I don't fucking cry. I haven't shed a tear since the night I lost my mother as a boy. I was weak then. All I could do was sit back and cry as I watched the life slip from my mother. Right before her final breath she looked at me and said in a strangled voice "run my baby, run", and I couldn't even do that.

I would never be that weak again to cry. No, I will never cry. Fuck that bitch even more for making me feel this way. There will be crying though, just not from me. No my little princess will be the one shedding tears, crying and begging for my mercy until she takes her last breath. Only then can my soul rest. Only then can I move on when I know she's six feet under.

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