Men And Their Deals

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The following day I arrived at HV enterprises to finalize the deal. I just wanted it over so I could rush home to Avery. These past few day's has been torture without her by my side. Never did a think a woman could make me feel this way but she turned my world upside down in a good way.

Stepping from our car, me and my men were led through the same ritual as yesterday, searched and weapons removed. As we exited the elevator there stood the exact same woman from yesterday except this time she didn't look our way. Instead she faced the same man that had ushered her into that office and it seemed he wasn't happy. In fact he looked downright vicious as she laughed up at him.

The man suddenly turned and caught us staring. His eye's grew narrow and it looked as if he was going to approach but the lady caught his arm. I don't know what she said but obviously she saved us, for the man turned and left. But not before he placed her in front of him so my men couldn't view her backside. Just then the one named Cole came by. "Be wise to not look nowhere near her directin...ever. Now let's go to the conference room'.

We filed in and took our usual seats. Cole began to speak. "Mr. Harper ran into some issues last night and is running behind. We can go ahead and began but nothing can be finalized until he signs".

Cole slid the paperwork to me and I read it over to make sure everything was correct. I signed my name but waited to exchange the cash. I wanted to make sure Demarco signed before I did that. After thirty minutes of awkward waiting in he walked. It was obvious thing's weren't going well for him by the look of him. He wore jeans and a black shirt with shades. Sitting down he offered a quick apology for his tardiness and asked if I was ready. I informed him that I was and had already signed the forms and just needed his signature. Before he signed he spoke. "Before I sign let me inform you, I was told this morning that it would be three more month's before the building is available for move in".

Becoming irritated I asked. "And why is that?"

Giving me a hard stare for being so blunt he spoke with just as much venom. "It wasn't brought to my attention until this morning that it's being used as an apartment building. By law they have to be given three month's to find other arrangements".

Narrowing my eye's I spoke with dead seriousness. "And since when do you abide by the law's?'

Cole snorted out and mumbled. "Since his girlfriend is a lawyer".

This earned Cole a death glare from Demarco. Focusing back on me he spoke with attitude. "Normally I don't. Normally I could give a rat's ass about the law but in this case it's not the law that's causing me to make this decision. The tenants as well as the management are good people. What kinda ass would I be if I put them out on the street?"

So fine, he had a point but I couldn't stick around that long. I had to get home and wait for the arrival of my baby. I missed the first one and wouldn't miss this ones. I needed to make him understand that time wasn't on my side without letting him know about Avery or my children. That's the thing about men like us, if we know your weakness we will go after it. I didn't even wear my wedding band or carry their pictures with me here in case we ended up enemies. The less they knew about me the better.

"I understand that but I don't have that amount of time to spare. It's urgent business waiting for me back home".

He grinned somewhat like a smartass. "Yes, I understand that your awaiting the birth of your child".

My face must have shown my surprise because he chuckled. "Don't look so shocked. Did you not think that I wouldn't do my research on you before allowing you into my building?"

Not waiting for me to answer he continued. "I have a idea if you'd agree. I understand your urgency to return home to your wife. I will go ahead and sign these paper's if I have your word that the money will be sent to me at the end of three month's. This way you don't have to be tied up here any longer. However if you don't keep your word I know where you live and what you hold dear".

That was a threat plan as day but I also knew that I was a man of my word and would do as he asked. "You have my word". I heard myself saying.

He looked at me long and hard as if he was reading my mind. "You have yourself a deal but I will warn you one more time that I make good on my word. Don't fuck up and have your wife and children pay for it".

"Never would I". I said.

He nodded and signed the paper's. We shook hands and I was led away. Once back at my hotel room I made arrangements to leave. I couldn't get to Avery fast enough.

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