Steamy Truths

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Thankfully I mastered my way home without any interferences from Severo. I commend him for trying to hold back his anger but I couldn't help but wonder how long he could do so. It's Severo and he is bound to snap eventually.

Once home, I checked in on Aden and relieved the nanny. At this hour he was snuggly in his bed. A nice bath was next on my list. Filling the marble oversized tub up with hot water, I added my bubbles, lit a few candles and poured me a glass of wine. Pulling my hair up into a messy bun, I slipped from my clothes and settled into the inviting water. After drinking most of my wine, I laid my head back against the lip of the tub and closed my eye's. I was so tuned out in the highest state of relaxation that I never heard the door creak open, never heard the shuffling of clothes, never knew that anyone was in here with me until the water sloshed and I felt someone else's skin touch my skin.

Gasping, my eye's shot open and I sat up quickly. There at the other end of the tub sat Severo fisting a bottle of liqueur. He just sat looking at me for several moment's and a bit of fear trickled up my spine. I didn't know what to expect. He sat the liqueur bottle on the side of the tub then grasped my legs. In the next instant I felt myself sliding toward him. Water sloshed up between us at the impact. My once relaxed muscles tightened as I prepared to defend myself.

"We must talk Avery". Severo spoke ever so calmly shocking me. Since when does Severo talk when he's upset. "First let me say this before we begin. Out of everything tonight this is what angered me the most. Do you know how close I came to selling You tonight?"

"What the fuck?" I screeched scooting from him.

Severo's mouth sat in a grim line. "Settle down Avery. Now who is the one acting upset. Let me finish speaking before you jump to conclusions, okay?"

Scooting completely back to my original resting spot, I drew my knees to my chest just in case I needed to pounce. I guess it's good to say I still didn't trust him and I could tell he noticed. "Now let me finish before you jump the gun".

I nodded my head indicating for him to go on. "Do you know what almost happened to you tonight?"

I shook my head, it seems I forgotten how to speak. "I had a major meeting at the casino tonight. In order seal the deal they wanted you. Never have I sold anyone but I was considering it, this deal would have been big. Had I not decided to go down and check on this woman everyone was going nuts over, had I went ahead and signed those paper's you would 've been owned and taken to the east coast."

My jaw fell slack. "You didn't did you?"

Severo rolled his eye's. "Of course not. Did you not listen? I almost did but when I saw that it was you...".

He left his sentence incomplete. Taking a swallow of liqueur he spoke again. "Had I signed without checking it out I would be in a full out mafia war. You see, once you sign these contracts with people like me there is no going back. I would have had to kill them to get you back. Then their men would seek revenge and so on. This is why I must say this". He paused to make sure I was following.

"I understand you want to keep your private life from me and I think I've been great at respecting that. However I do believe there is certain aspects you need to share with me. For instance your job. Had I known you was this mysterious stripper I wouldn't have been put in this predicament. They approached me after your first show speaking vulger and I blew the deal... a multi million dollar deal. Had I known before hand I could have possible came up with another offer. Instead they approached when I was heated at discovering your job then they made degrading remarks and I lost it".

"I'm sorry" I said shyly. I did understand where he was coming from. By me being so secretive I could've possibly landed in trouble as well as caused him problems. Seems I already did because he lost the deal. "I'm sorry". I said again sincerely. "I understand so in the future I will let you know certain things if I feel it could impact you".

He only nodded then said. "Make no mistake I detest you stripping and if you would allow me I could get you a job in one of my offices. I will see to it that you would make just as much."

I shook my head no before he could finish. Being too dependent on him duiring our first relationship was a mistake. When he was locked away I had nothing. No money to fall back on and I lost all my belongings because he had purchased everything. Then I was sent off to a strange town with only the clothes on my back and the meager amount of cash the program gave me. I would never find myself in such a hopeless situation again. "I can't accept that. Thanks but no. I don't want to be reliant on anyone. I rather enjoy being independent".

Severo interrupted. "Understandable Avery but in all honesty I already sign your pay check. I'm just offering you a respectable job. I pay all the bill's here so your not as independent as you think. I still take care of you by putting a roof over your head, food on the table and I provide well for Aden. I could do so much more for you if you'd allow me."

By him pointing out that I still relied on him hit a nerve and I spat. "Why, so the next time you distrust me I'll be out of here again left with nothing. Thanks, but no thanks. I will also start giving you money towards the bill's'.

Severo chuckled. "Look who's the one with anger issue's now. I don't want your money and me distrusting you will never happen again. Which leads me to tonight. What was the meaning of what happened on that stage? Forgive me but when you exposed your tats I was under the impression that we might be back together again".

"Absolutely not Severo. I knew you was mad and I was unsure of how you would react. I knew you was doing your best to contain it but that's the thing with you that I don't trust, I never know when your going to snap or turn on me again. I've never done more than dance on that stage. Honestly I want nothing to do with any man. Everyone knows who you are and they fear you. By me dragging you on that stage and doing what I did should ease your mind. No one will dare bother me now even if I perused them. You should be fine with me stripping now because people think I belong to you".

He cut me off and with a ill tone and  said. "It's not about just that Avery. I don't like other men ogling your body. So your saying all that was just for show, no intentions of giving me another chance?"

I shook my head slowly. "I'm sorry Severo. I still don't trust you. Even right now I sitting here on edge not knowing if you'll get mad enough to lash out. I feel that I always have to be ready to protect myself in your presence".

"Trust me Avery I notice. I see how you act with everyone else except me. And here I thought that tonight meant something more.  I think that I've been doing damn good keeping my promises and respecting your wishes but I see that it will never be enough. I don't blame you but I'm tired of fighting a losing battle. You have my promise that I want try to reconcile a relationship with you anymore. I'll give you what you want. I do demand you remain here for protection issue's,  you'll always have my protection. All I ask is you tell me thing's in the future that might effect me".

Severo rose from the tub and left me with those word's. And just like that he gave me his word that he'd leave me alone, stop begging for another chance.

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