Chapter 3- Here We Go Again part 2

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Arizona found Alex in Hadley's room. Alex turned his head towards the door when he heard footsteps enter the room and saw Arizona motioning for him to follow her. They stood outside the nurses station.

"He left her here." Arizona whispered to Alex.

"What?" Alex voiced in disapproval. "It doesn't surprise me though. She probably isn't getting her meds. Why stay here if he is the problem and knows it. He's just saving his own ass."

"Go find DeLuca and tell him to make sure Hadley's room is under observation. I want to see if he or his wife ever decide to show up. I want him to call social services as well."

"You got it."

Alex started to page DeLuca and Arizona went back into Hadley's room. Hadley had been put on iv antibiotics and was currently curled up in a tight of a ball as she could manage with her dominant arm stretched out.

"Hi, kiddo." Arizona said sitting on the edge of the girl's bed." Can you tell me how long this pain has been going on?"

Hadley shook her head.

"That's okay. Just get some rest...the magical fairy dust should be working." Arizona added with a playful smile.

"There's no fairy dust in there. Fairies don't exist!"

Hadley let out a small smile as she tried to pout but it just ended up in an even bigger grin.

"While they exist here. That's how you are going to get better!" Arizona said as she ruffled Hadley's waves.

"Zona!" Hadley laughed.

Arizona stopped messing with the girl and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

"I'll be back before my shift ends to check on you okay."


"Try to sleep, Hadley." Arizona stood up from the bed and dimmed the lights.

Hopefully, Hadley would be feeling better soon. Alex had put her on antibiotics and pain medication. Arizona hoped Hadley would also be getting some sleep and that her foster parents wouldn't be back tonight. The little girl didn't need the added stress of them right now.

Two hours went by and Arizona's shift had just ended. She was excited to get home, but on her way out made a stop at Hadley's room. The girl was sleeping peacefully when she stuck her head in her room.

"Goodnight Hadley" Arizona whispered. She stood there watching for longer than she had planned until she heard Alex come up behind her.

"Goodnight Arizona." Was all Alex said as he walked passed her.

"Goodnight Alex!" Arizona replied turning on her heels and headed out of the hospital.

Within fifteen minutes Arizona had pulled up in the driveway of her house. She turned the key in the ignition, and the dull roar of the engine died down. She made her way into the house and could smell dinner in the kitchen and hear the music blasting through the house.

"Hey, I thought you said you would be home later than expected." Callie said looking up from the pasta.

"I was but Alex told me to go home again." Arizona said walking over to Callie.

"Well, I am glad he did." Callie said while stepping away from the stove to give Arizona a welcome home kiss.

"I'm going to go change into something more comfortable. I'll be right back to help you." Arizona said about to walk upstairs but Callie interrupted her.

"That's okay actually by the time your back dinner should be ready! The salad is already made it's in the fridge, and the bread will be coming out of the oven in a minute." Callie smiled

"Thank Callie!" Arizona smiled kissing her wife again and then went upstairs to change. She changed into a pair of yoga pants, one of Callie's old t-shirts, took off her makeup, and put her hair in a ponytail. Arizona grabbed plates and silverware and set the table as Callie served up the food.

"So anything fun happen at work today?"

"Work was good. I delivered an emergency c-section that went wonderfully. But Hadley came back into day. She has the same infection. I'm hoping these antibiotics help because I'm hesitant to put her on stronger ones. She is too small for her age. And her foster father left before Alex or I could talk to him. He probably knows he was supposed to give her the prescription and didn't and that's why she still has the infection."

"Are you kidding me? Do they not understand she now has a kidney infection and is in the hospital because they couldn't give her proper antibiotics..." Callie scoffed

The couple continued their small talk through dinner and the rest of the evening went by quickly and they both headed to bed early as both of them had long shifts the next day. It was around 11:30 and Arizona was still tossing and turning not able to get to sleep. It wasn't like her usually she fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow. Callie could sense her stress and wrapped her arm around Arizona's stomach and lifted up her shirt a little so she could rub soothing strokes with the tips of her fingers on Arizona's bare skin.

"Honey, what's wrong?" Callie asked in a sincere tone.

"I...I don't know."

"Come on yes you do. You are thinking about something or you would be sleeping. Please tell me you know you will feel better."

"...Do you...when...are we...never mind."

"Arizona..." Callie cooed.

Arizona turned to face Callie.


Callie thought for a moment. Did this mean Arizona didn't want kids or that she wanted to start a family...or..and that's when she knew she hit the right option. Hadley.

"Hadley..." Callie whispered.

"I've had numerous other patients who were in the foster care systems and in a group home, but she just feels different. I feel like I need to protect her and make sure she is happy. I watched her sleep for 45minutes just to tell myself she was okay and asleep so that I could come home." Arizona blurted out.

Callie wrapped her arms around Arizona.

"She is doing fine."

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