Chapter 14- Cured

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Callie's POV:

I'd waited in the waiting room before but never had it felt so long. I just waited for Alex to appear from the doors that I had been behind so many times. The doors that I just blatantly walked through feeling as though it was completely normal to see a family waiting on the other side. I knew it was hard for them. But I never knew what it was like to have even seconds feel agonizing. Have the minutes feel like hours and once an hour has past feeling years older. I felt like I was thinking so much. Thinking enough that time should have gone faster. But do you know how much you can think within a second? You can think all the way from life to death in less than a second. In fact, that's all it takes for a surgeon to make one wrong move to kill there patient. To kill my little girl. A split second and my world was gone.

 I could tell Arizona felt the exact same way I did. Right after she got taken into surgery and the doors closed she collapsed into my arms. The usually put together peds doctor who operated on children couldn't stand her child being operated on. I could feel the tears soak my shirt and soon I heard the gentle sobs. What I didn't know was that I had tears streaming down my face too. It wasn't until she looked up at me and wiped both our tears with her thumbs that I understood how my body was reacting. We then both sat down in those god-awful chairs to begin our waiting game.


It was about three hours in when we finally saw Alex come through the doors and straight to us. I knew Arizona was trying to read his face. She knew all of his looks. If a patient had died, if one had lived, if there were complications. She knew it all. But I guarantee that in this moment my wife had no idea what Alex was going to tell us.

"So far everything seems okay. Of course, her body could still reject the organ, but so far everything has run smoothly. Now I have to get back in there, but I wanted to update you myself." Alex spoke.

"Thanks, Alex." I smiled at him.

Arizona gave him a small smile and slumped back into her chair. I decided I couldn't deal with these walls anymore. I needed anything but these walls.

"Let's take a walk."


"Alex has this under control. We need to clear our heads or at least eat something."


Arizona took the hand I extended towards her, and we walked. First to the cafeteria where each of us tried to eat part of a sandwich but failed miserably. We tried going outside, but again our heads just couldn't get off of Hadley. We lasted about thirty minutes away from the waiting room.

A few more hours past and Alex came out again. Arizona and I both jolted up.

"The surgery was successful. She is still on heavy sedatives and rejection medication. So far her body hasn't rejected the organ but only time will tell to see if she will. She is in recovery now, but we will move her up to her room soon."

"Thank you, Alex." I smiled holding my wife's hand.

Alex left behind the doors, and I turned to Arizona.

"She's okay" I whispered feeling the tears start to form behind my eyes.

"She's okay" Arizona repeated smiling.


Hadley's POV:

My eyes slowly fluttered open. I felt fuzzy. What was going on? I saw to blurry figures above me. I thought I heard something from afar but it felt so far away. I closed my eyes again and opened them again. The figures were more clear now, and I was starting to come out of my fog.

"Zowni....Cawie?" I choked out.

"Hi, Mija." Callie whispered stroking a piece of hair away from my face.

"Is it over?" I asked.

Arizona let out a soft laugh.

"Yes, sweetheart it's over."

"I feel funny."

"That's just the anesthesia. Try to go back to sleep."

I yawned and closed my eyes again. I heard movement from above me, but after that, I felt myself being pulled into sleep.


When I woke up for the second time things were much more clear. I could hear right away, and I was able to see better. I saw Arizona was asleep on her chair, but Callie was up reading.

"Callie?" I whispered.

She looked up from her book and smiled as she noticed I was awake. She set her book down on her bag and stood up walking towards me.

"Hi, baby." She said sitting down on the bed next to me.

"How ya feeling?" She asked me.

"I still feel kinda fuzzy."

"The medicine will make you feel that. Does it hurt anywhere?"

"A little in my tummy."

"Okay. I'll tell Alex. Are you willing to try eating some jello?"

I nodded. I felt kinda hungry.

"Okay, I'll be right back." She said. She got up off the bed and less than a minute later she was back with the jello. It was green. My favorite.

"Want to try eating it yourself?"

I should be able to eat jello myself I thought. I extended my arm to take the spoon, but it was super shaky. The meds were still in my system and I was so achy. I tried to sit up more but winced in intense pain.

"Don't sit up Hadley. You could rip your stitches...Here it's okay."

Callie draped a napkin over my chest and handled the small spoonful of jello for me. I got about three spoonfuls until I felt my eyes start to close again. I swallowed the last bit, and my eyes fell shut entirely. I heard the tray being moved back and the napkin picked up from my chest.

"Sleep tight Mija" Callie whispered into my ear. She kissed the top of my head, and I felt her bring to blanket up further. It wasn't long after that that I fell asleep yet again.

Thank you guys for over 3,000 views! That's crazy! I'm sorry for the slow update, but I am nowhere finished with this family. I hope you guys will stay for the ride. As always vote, comment, and follow!



Okay, guys seriously....7,000 views!! I will continue saying this but I can't thank you guys enough for reading this story. I am FINALLY on my way back to updating. I've had chapters written for months now but they jumped way too far into the future that I needed more to fill in and it has taken me SO long to write those chapters. Anyway, now that the semester is over and finals are done I'm back home and will have more time to write. Like I said above I hope you guys stay for this ride as I am nowhere finished with this family. Love you all!


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