Chapter 6 -Social Worker

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"Excuse me I'm looking for Hadley William's and Mr. and Mrs. Christi. I am Hadley's social worker Theresa Crain." A women said walking up to the nurses station in the pediatric wing.

Dr. Robbins bolted up from the bench and came over to the women.

"Hi, I'm Dr. Robbins Hadley's doctor. May I ask why you are here?"

"I need to discuss the matter of Hadley's transfer to Portland via complaint of the family. I am here to pick up her medical records." The women spoke turning around to face Dr. Robbins.

"Complaint via the family. They are the reason she is in the hospital." Arizona argued.

"While that may be true they have filled a complaint on the child and would like her removed from their house immediately."

"But Portland?"

"Yes, that is where the only group home that was available in such short notice with enough space. Now may I see Hadley?"

"Um, she is actually getting a CT right now. But if you can wait out in the waiting room I can bring you to her when she is finished." Arizona lied but wanted to get this social worker out of here.

"Thank you, that would be great." Theresa said leaving the ward.

Arizona then walked quietly into Hadley's room. The little girl was asleep curled into her stuffed animal. Arizona went up to the girl's bed and brushed back the hair on her forehead.

"I'm so sorry Hadley." She whispered.

Arizona kissed the top of Hadley's head and the little girl started to wake up.
"Zowni?" Hadley asked with a slur.

"Hi, sweetie." Arizona said sitting next to the girl on the bed.

"Whats-" Hadley tried to ask

"Shhh...go back to sleep." Arizona said brushing Hadley's hair out of her eyes again.

Hadley's eyes closed again and she was out.

Arizona turned around about to head out of the room when she noticed Alex had been watching her.

"You're really good with her." Alex said as Arizona walked past him to place the iPad back on its charging dock.

Arizona didn't reply.

"I saw Theresa Crain. Hadley's social worker. She told me that you told her she was in CT and that she was out there waiting...I told her I would come get her when she was back...So when you're ready." Alex said crossing his arms.

"Alex stop." Arizona said walking down the hallway to the supply closet.

"What you're the one who lied." Alex said closing the door and turning back to face Arizona.

"I need time to think."

"This little girl. I know she doesn't have a home or a family to go to, but I can't help but feel this connection you have towards her. Have you talked to Callie?"

"A little."

"Well talk more."


"Fine I won't say anything else, and I'm going to go see if the results of Hadley's blood work are back along with copies of the CT scan."

Arizona tried to push through the rest of her day. She checked on Hadley periodically. Each time she went in the girl was thankfully sleeping. She still had not retrieved Theresa from the waiting room and was waiting until her shift was over.

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