Chapter 3

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July 15

The first half of Lucy's birthday was celebrated the first half of her birthday visiting people at the nearby hospital. It was around noon that the Pevensies returned to their house. It was only than that they, joined by Severus, had cake and presents.

Shortly thereafter,  Helen decided that it was time that the children met the gentlemen that she had started dating. So on the evening of July 20th, after dinner, Helen returned home with a familiar face.

A man, dressed in a blue suit stepped inside after Helen. He had dark hair and a small goatee.

Glozelle. Helen was unaware of the recognition that flooded each of her children's faces. Peter stood from his seat in the living room first and firmly shook hands with the former general. Susan volunteered to put on some tea and quickly evacuated to the kitchen. Helen soon followed after to put the pie she had prepared earlier into the oven.

"Your Majesties." He breathed, quickly kneeling. "Rise. There is no need to kneel." Peter stated. "Like Lucy said, you have changed and been forgiven, besides, in this world our titles aren't widely known."

"It would be a bit problematic if you bowed every time you saw us, people might start asking questions we can't answer without being sent to a mental hospital." Edmund joked.

Glozelle smiled and stood. "In this world I am known as Emesto Glozelle Grey, a professor who teaches Study of Ancient Runes at Hogwarts." He introduced himself.

"Peter Pevensie."


"Lucy." They each stated their names that they used while in the world they were in.

"I was not aware that Helen was your mother" Glozelle informed them. "but I do truly care for her."

Peter nodded. "Our mother...she does not know about Narnia. She is unaware of our titles and true ages, please do not mention it to her."

"I understand. Does she know about the Wizarding World?" Glozelle accepted.

"Yes, she does." Lucy confirmed.

It was then that Helen returned, placing a tray with several slices of pie on the small table, she posed the question, "What have you four been discussing?"

"Mr. Grey is Lucy's Study of Ancient Runes professor." Edmund revealed as if telling what the weather was outside.

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