Chapter 17

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Lucy managed to catch up with the others just a little after they were joined by Harry and Hermione on the bridge.

"So, how are we getting to London?" Neville questioned.

"Look, it's not that I don't appreciate everything that you've done, all of you, but I've got you into enough trouble as it is." Harry pushed past them, intent on leaving them behind.

"Dumbledore's Army is supposed to be about doing something real." Neville began. "Was all of that just words to you?"

"Maybe you don't have to do this all by yourself mate." Ron added.

Harry hesitated, clearly thinking it over before coming to a decision. "So how are we going to get to London?"

"We fly of course." Luna smiled.


"What are they exactly?" Neville asked.

Lucy was a bit surprised that he could see them but said nothing, leaving it to Luna to introduce them seeing (or not seeing for some of them) how she had been that one that had explained their existence to Lucy and Harry.

"Thestrals, rather misunderstood creatures, really." Luna was rather mum on the details she had given Harry and Lucy.

"Where are they?" Hermione wondered, looking about in confusion.

"What do you mean? They're right in front of you." Neville stated.

"Great, Lunny Lovegood made Neville go mad." Ron whispered not so quietly to Ginny.

"They're really here, you just can't see them." Harry corrected him.

"Only those who've seen someone die can see them." Lucy explained.

"So Harry saw Cedric die, Luna..." Hermione trailed off.

"My mum." Luna nodded.

"My grandfather." Neville volunteered.

All eyes were on Lucy, who changed the subject. "Regardless of how we can see them, those who can see the Thestrals need to helps those who can't on, we have a long ride ahead of us, we'd best get started right away."

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