Chapter 12

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Harry met Hermione and Ron at the mostly deserted library one Sunday morning, exhausted from Severus' Occlumency tutoring and a night of restless sleep.

"Rough lesson?" Ron guessed.

"Ya...He insulted my dad again." Harry grumbled, "said he was lazy, arrogant, insolent, ummannered, and more."

"Of course he did," Lucy spoke from the table closest to them, not even looking up from her book, "I don't know why you're so upset about it."

"My father was a great man-" Harry was cut off by Lucy,  "and maybe he was, but not to Professor Snape. You need to remember Harry, James Potter and Severus Snape were in rival houses and rivalry go both ways. Its simple Gryffindor brazenness that makes them forget that both houses despise each other and that it isn't just the Slytherins attacking the Gryffindors like most everyone almost always assumes."

"Well well, spoken like a true Slytherin, Pevensie." Draco Malfoy cut in, his voice in its regular prideful tone, but without its usual venom. Crabbe and Goyle, his ever loyal lackeys were on either side of him.

"What do you want, Malfoy?" Ron spat.

"I merely came to deliver a letter, Weasley." Draco retorted, holding out a crisp, white envelope towards Lucy. The said witch took the extended envelope, ignoring the confused looks from the golden trio.

After reading through the letter Lucy locked eyes with Draco, who has yet to leave with his cronies, and nodded.

"Farewell Potter, Granger, Weasel." Draco hissed before stalking out of the library, followed by Cabbe and Goyle.

"What was that about?" Hermione was the first to speak.

"I've been invited to a gathering with the Malfoys this coming weekend." Lucy stated.

"Why?" Ron wondered, although it seemed more like he was accusing her.

"My father and Lucius Malfoy are old friends." Lucy explained, gathering her stuff so as to escape the interrogation, "This particular gathering will include kids so its only natural that I'd be invited. If you'd excuse me, I'm supposed to meet with Ginny to help her with her potions homework." With that she was gone, leaving the golden trio in confusion.

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