Chapter 19

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 They landed softly on the ground, safe and sound, even the glass prophecy made it in one piece. 

An archway with what seemed to be tangible air commanded the attention of the room.

"The voices. Can you tell what they're saying?" Harry wondered.

"There aren't any voices, Harry. Let's get out of here." Hermione responded anxiously.

"I hear them too." Luna volunteered. 

"So do I." Ginny whispered. Neville and Lucy nodded in agreement.

The arch was, in a way, bewitching. Everyone with the exception of Hermione approached the bewildering thing, Hermione trying to stop them all the while. "It's just an empty archway. Please, let's get out of here."

Turning around, Harry glanced above him. "Get behind me!" He ordered, holding up his wand.

Billows of smoke flew through them, almost impossible to fight. Soon everyone except for Harry was wandless and had a Death Eater pointing their wands at them. Hermione seemed to be the most scared, and for good reason, she was a "Mudblood", an abomination in the eyes of Death Eaters.

Bellatrix had Neville, who appeared more angry than frightened. Lucy alone did not struggle, she would be safe. The Death Eaters would not harm her, it was her friends that she was concerned about. The dagger in her left hand assured that should things take a turn for the worse she could intervene to, as did the wand in her right boot. 

Lucius chuckled. "Did you actually believe, or were you truly naive enough to think, that children stood a chance against us? I'll make this simple for you, Potter. Give me the prophecy now, or watch your friends die."

"Don't give it to him, Harry." Neville was hushed by Bellatrix but his words had been heard, even if they weren't headed. Harry handed Lucius the prophecy and just as the blond was about to activate it, Sirius appeared in a flash of light. "Get away from my godson," and Sirius gave Lucius a good old fashioned punch to the face.

The prophecy was broken and each of the students were freed from the Death Eaters by the arriving Oder of the Phoenix. 

Lucy and the other underage wizards/witches (with the exception of Harry who seemed to be the exception of every rule and order) were herded behind some large boulders away from most the action. 

Two Death Eaters tried to reach them but were quickly dispatched by Moody and Lucy.

Lucy watched as Sirius defeated Lucius Malfoy, only to be hit by an unexpected curse from the side and his body was absorbed into the veil, disappearing completely. Remus was the only thing keeping Harry from running through it as he literally held him back.

Harry escaped Lupin's grasp when his intention switched from chasing his godfather's body to seeking revenge on the killer.

Hermione and Ron moved as if to follow but were stopped when Lucy moved to block their path. "He's going to get himself killed." Hermione argued.

"You two as well if you go after him." Lucy stated.

"Sirius just died, we can't just leave him alone." Ron tried.

"He'll be safer with us." Hermione added.

"Yes you can, and no he won't. His godfather was just murdered before him, no amount of reasoning will calm his fury," Lucy's voice turned soft, "or heal his pain. You'll be putting yourselves and  Harry in more danger trying. Now come on, " Lucy voice became firm, "the Death Eaters aren't going to beat themselves."

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