Chapter 8

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| Monica |
" Hey Ray ! " I smiled as he opened the door . I walked in and seen Savannah playing the Wii we'll trying to . I smiled and watched her play Just Dance until she noticed me , she ran over to me and hugged my legs , I smiled and kissed her forehead .

" Did you have fun at Ray's ? " I asked .

" Yeah , I had chicken nuggets ! " She smiled .

" Alright . You ready ? " I asked . She nodded her head yes then went to get her bag and shoes . I gave Ray a hug then we walked outside to the car and drove home .

" Oh you guys are back , dinners on the stove . " He said as he walked over to me . He kissed me lightly then kissed Savannah's forehead . Savannah smiled then took off to her room , I walked into the kitchen and seen Pork chops , Mac & Cheese and Green Beans being cooked . One thing I love about Trevor is his cooking , besides his love but let's not get into that .

" How was school ? " He asked .

" It was pretty good , I have a huge test Monday . " I said as I sat down . " How was work ? " I asked .

" It was fine , I have some cases that I have to next month but that's about it . " He said as he began to make the plates . "Savannah ! " He yelled as he made her plate .

" Yum . " She said as she got into a chair . I handed her the plate then got mines and began to eat .
I felt my phone vibrate as I was about to get it my phone started ringing . I slide the answer button over and put the phone up to my ear .

" Hello dear . " My mom spoke .

" Hi mother . " I said as I dug in my food .

" How are you ? " She asked .

" I'm wonderful ! I have an amazing daughter and an wonderful boyfriend . " I smiled .
Why is she even calling me ! She talked about me and my daughter and has the nerve to call ! Is she crazy ? " Why did you call ? " I asked .

" What ? I can't call mine own daughter ? " She asked .

" You must want something , now what is it ? " I asked getting mad .

" I wanna see my granddaughter." She said .

I laughed . " Oh now you wanna see her ? " I questioned . " Goodbye mother . " I said as I hung up , I cleaned up our dishes then went to give Savannah a bath ; she soon fell asleep , afterwards I took a quick shower then laid down with Trevor . He kissed me goodnight then I drifted off to sleep .

Short But Oh We'll !
More updates to come cause it's SUMMER ! 🌞☀️

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