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Character Change: Andre will not be played by Andre from empire,and since I don't feel like hunting instagram I'm going to make my own character.Andre is a dark brown,like a snickers and he has dimples with white teeth.He stands tall and his hair is cut in a fade.He dresses hood rich now,not classy rich.And he's hood.....this book issss called thug fetish so I felt a little weird with his character.Enjoy this chapter because I'm making it long for y'all.Only because I Been slacking🤦🏽‍♀️

Andre walked into his office and sat at his desk.He rubbed temples and sighed.Today was another busy day due to the company 5 year anniversary party being in two weeks.

He had to make sure all of the artist had their songs ready to be performed and down-packed.

Others than him being confused about Jadah leaving him he was confused to why she hasn't been coming in for her studio time.

Jordan was a new artist to the company so he wanted her to perform in the celebration,like a kickoff for her.

He picked up his new iPhone he recently bought after throwing his old one.He looked through his computer searching for Jordan's number since he didn't know it by heart.

When he did find it he dialed it in.As the phone made its first ring his assistant,Tracey, came into his office.

"Hey Andre,Lexis is here"

Andre put his index finger up motioning for Tracey to wait.

When the phone went to voicemail he sighed and looked at Tracey.

Tracey was a redbone with a nice body and face.He rejected taking their relationship to another level because she wasn't his type.

"Does Lexis have my daughter with her or is she here by herself?"

"She has the pretty baby with her" Tracey said smiling.

Tracey always has a little crush on Andre,he was sexy as hell to her and she wanted him to herself,but every time she tried, she failed.

"Alright let her in".Andre put his phone in his pocket and leaned back in his chair.

Yes,he had a 2 year old daughter named Alexis.He met the mother.Lexis, at a club.

Him and Lexis was in a relationship for a year before he slipped up and got her pregnant.He doesn't regret having his daughter,he regrets having her with Lexis.

Lexis was too needy and clingy for him.She always wanted to be up under him.

Of course he know that's what girls want;to be around their boyfriend all the time.But she took it to a different level.Almost to stalker mode.

Lexis left those ways in the past though.She figures if she wanted her and Andre relationship to work she had to let it come naturally.She just wanted to be a family.

When Lexis walked into Andres room he was shocked.She was looking good in her yellow sundress that complimented her brown skin,her hair was down in a middle part.

"Hey dre" Lexis said as Alexis ran to her daddy and gave him a big hug.

Andre gave her a head nod and began embracing his baby girl hugs."Hey baby,you missed daddy?"

Alexis nodded her head as she sucked on the sucker Tracey gave her.

Lexis looked at her child and her child's father interacting with each other.

She  wished it could be like this everyday,but patience was key.

They was gone be a happy family soon.


Detective y'all dialed his nephew number into his phone and waited for a answer.

"Wassup unc?" His nephew answered." they doing?".Detective Tall asked referring to the twins.

"They straight,I guess..look unc I don't think I can do t-"

"You letting down nephew? I though we had a deal". Y'all said running hand over his bald head.

"Nah it's not that unc,this shit just not sitting right with me,do you know who they Dad is?"

"I don't give a fuck who their daddy is! Their daddy is the one who killed your father,Rakim don't make me regret this"

Detective Tall hung up and lout out a breath.

He wanted Jayceon William in jail.Behind bars for the rest of his life.


Lay sat in her bed painting her toes.

She was proud with her success over the past 10 years.She was living life and living it right.

She also had a love interest,Bryce.

She met Bryce a couple of months ago and she already felt like their connection was stronger than no other.

Only thing is,he was married.

Lay tried leaving Bryce because she didn't like the thought of being a mistress,Bit Bryce begged her to stay.

He even pay her bills.Dont get her wrong,she had her own money but if he wasn't to be generous and save her money,then that he can indeed do.

Her feeling for him was getting stronger every day.Even thought he lived in Philadelphia they still managed to talk everyday.

Poor girl was in love with a married man,wrong way to go.

Thug fetish 3:Lost but not forgotten Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant