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Jadah sat in Harris office,she was biting her fingernails waiting for him to come in.

Although she didn't kill him.She put a few marks on his face to remind him everyday that she's not fucking around.

Of course she wanted to end his life but that would put heat in her.The whole police community knows she's a CI.They also know the circumstances she's in.

She lightly jumped at the sound of the door being opened then shut.She turned around in her chair to get a better look.

"Damn I roughed yo ass up good" she said to Harris.Finding pleasure in his beaten up face.

Harris ignored jadahs comment and went to his desk.He sat down and stared at her.

"" Harris said through gritted teeth.

"You don't remember? I punched yo ass till I seen blood,bitch". Jadah said smirking.

Harris slammed his hands down on his desk and took a deep breath."You found them didn't you? And you killed my son?"

Jadah raised her eyebrows and lightly jerked her head back."Me? "

"Yes you!" Harris said raising his voice.He calmed down and cleared his throat."Look, I will throw your ass back in hell. Keep fucking with me Jadah Dolas"

"Damn. Did you not get the memo? I'm a very powerful fucking man. You think just because you got your bitch ass twins back mean I can't just kidnap them again? Do what I tell you and you can have the hoes back!"

Jadah chuckled and pressed stop on her recorder.She held it up and shook it."I can put yo ass in jail, keep fucking with me. Harris Tall"

Harris mouth dropped,also did his heart."n-no"

"Y-y-yes" Jadah mocked Harris.

She looked at the clock and stood up."Look at the time. I should be heading out."

She pulled her glasses over her face to her eyes and grabbed her purse."next week same time? And don't bother looking for my precious babies. They safe. And if you touch them again I'm going to make sure you never knew twin exist."

She walked out of his office and went to the elevator.She presses the down button and waited for the elevator to come.

"Excuse me? You dropped this" A familiar voice said.Jadah furrowed her eyebrows and slowly turned around.

A tall brown skin man stood there, about 6'3.He had waves and dimples on both sides.

He wore a grey suit that made him look buff and built.

Jadah mouth dropped."Fidel? Oh my god it's been so long"

Fidel and Jadah dated in middle school. They both agreed on being too young so they became friends.The best of friends at that.

Fidel was also her first, 9th grade summer.

They was so close until Fidel moved to another city.She hadn't heard from him since.

Fidel handed Jadah her Wallet that dropped from her purse."Jadah...Damn you looking good"

Jadah was caught off guard by how smooth his voice was.She grabbed her wallet and put it in her purse.

"It's been what? I'm so shocked I can't even count the years. I see you looking good and what not what you doing here?"

"I'm a lawyer" he said smiling.Showcasing his pearly white teeth and two dimples that Jadah loves.

"I'm so proud of you del, you always said you wanted to enter that field and look at you, following your dreams"

Fidel pulled his phone out of his pocket and handed it to Jadah."its only right I take you to dinner, and we catch up"

Jadah grabbed his phone and bit her bottom lip.A dinner date with a old friend wouldn't hurt Jayceon.


Jasmine and Jordan was knocked out on the bed. That's all they really did was sleep,take a shower, eat, and do it all again the next day.

Jordan smelt pancakes so she sat up.She couldn't get off the bed because jasmine head was on her lap.Jordan sighed and moved jasmines curly hair from her face before shaking her.

"Jas? Wake up" Jordan said shaking her sister.Jasmines eyes fluttered open."huh?"

"Owee girl your breath is kicking" Jordan said as both her and jasmine started to chuckle.

"Please, I know you ain't talking about bad breath you then woke me up with that dumpster mouth,move. Back up" jasmine said pushing Jordan and getting up.

Jordan stoop up and well and pulled jasmines shirt causing her to fall."You right. That's why imma use the bathroom first"

Jasmine mouth dropped.She hurried and got up but it was too late to race, Jordan already beat her.

Jasmine walked to the bathroom and knocked on the door."can you hand me my stuff? At least?"

The door quickly and cracked open.Joddna handed jasmine her face rag, tooth brush, deodorant,and a brush with some hair ties.

"What is the hair ties and brush for?" Jasmine asked confused.

"Girl, don't act like you just don't see that mess on top of yo head".Jordan said before closing the door.

Jasmine shook her head and started to walk to the second bathroom.She knocked on the door before walking in.

"Oh snap!" Jasmine said before quickly walking back out.She just seen William naked.It was a nice sight to see but a bad thought.

"Damn He got a beast down there" she thought."you can come in now". William said.

Jasmine was kind of hesitant but went into the bathroom.Thank god he now had some sweats on.

But that didn't stop his huge print from showing.

Jasmine ignored eye contact with him and turned the faucet on to start washing her face.

William got behind jasmine and reached in front of her. Grabbing his toothbrush.

His print rubbed against her butt,she gasped and looked at him through the mirror.

"My bad, my bad" William said smirking.

"Watch out, you really don't gotta be this close William" She said grabbing her toothbrush and getting it wet.

"You right"

"I know I am"

"Never mind you wrong"

Jasmine chuckled before squeezing some toothpaste on her toothbrush brush and beginning to brush her teeth.

She got her fingers wet and flicked some water on William.

He smirked and did the same thing,only getting more water on jasmine.

They went back and forth before William grabbed jasmines hair and forced her head by the faucet."fuck around and get yo whole head wet girl"

Jordan came into the bathroom and her mouth dropped open.It honestly looked like William ad giving jasmine back shots. Jordan thanked god they had clothes on.

"Hell to the fucking no"

Thug fetish 3:Lost but not forgotten Where stories live. Discover now