Be Happy (Finn Wolfhard)

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A/n- btw my instagram is finns.waffle where I actually made a video edit using this song which inspired this Imagine. I also realized the song mentions  "say, Happy Birthday," to you." And it's Finn's Birthday right now (it's 12:17am for me) but I didn't even realize that line was in there. That's so funny to me XD

Finn and Y/n dated for a year and a half. They met each other when they were 15 and soon became really close. Their personalities were quite similar and they both had the same type of humor.

But, after a while it just wasn't clicking anymore. They were always in the public eye which Y/n soon began to not like. They wouldn't see each other or text each other as frequently as they used to. They would always get into arguments over the most stupid things. Which, lead to them breaking up.

Now, Y/n is 18 and it's been 2 years since she broke up with Finn. Now, whenever she's on Instagram all she sees is pictures of him and his new girlfriend. People still comment under Y/n's photos saying how his new gf is better for him.

It really hurts. But, she just wants him to be happy even if it's not with her. It's really taking everything in her to not just text him telling him she wants him back. She just keeps waiting for him to say that he needs her. But, she just knows it won't happen and that he will be happier with her.

Today, was December 23rd Finn's 18th Birthday. Y/n just had to say something. She headed over to his Instagram and commented under his recent picture. "I know we don't talk anymore but, I hope you have an amazing birthday🙂"

She quickly hit send and got off of Instagram. She placed her phone down and felt her heart pound as she heard a bunch of notifications go off.

She took a deep breath and then looked back at her phone. No comment from Finn. Just people telling her to leave and back off. Y/n felt tears well up in her eyes and locked her phone.

She covered her face and let it all out. She had held it up so much inside that it just couldn't be contained anymore. She sobbed and sobbed. She had to let him go. She had to.

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