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Early 277 A

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Early 277 A.C.
Casterly Rock
Amara Johanna Lannister

Amara Lannister, a name that sent many whispers across the court of Aerys Targaryen. The king had been searching tirelessly for a bride for his son and heir Rhaegar. Aerys thought long and hard as he picked at his scabs as he sat upon the Iron Throne. Rumors had circled at the court of his Hand's scheming to marry one of his daughters to the heir to the Iron Throne. The audacity of his hand infuriated him, the King was still reeling from the death of his cousin Steffon Baratheon and his wife.

Aerys would summon his Hand to court and assess the girls, many in Westeros declared the lights of the Westerlands would make excellent wives and beautiful children. He was determined to show his Hand that his arrogance would be punished. Perhaps he could enlist one of Lord Tywin's daughters as a handmaiden to his queen. But it was the continued mention of Lord Tywin's eldest daughter that both annoyed and intrigued him. The girl was said to be very beautiful with pale skin, emerald green eyes, long waves of golden hair. She was said to be tall and slender, the young woman herself was a twin to Lord Tywin's son and heir a boy named Lysander. While Aerys was determined to punish his Hand the rumored beauty of his eldest daughter was almost too much to resist


Amara Lannister, a beautiful young woman and the pride of House Lannister. She was every bit her mother's daughter and never failed to remind others of it. She was the Lady in charge since her father Lord Tywin was most often at the king's side. Not that she minded, of course, it was good practice for whatever bumbling idiot her father planned to marry her off to. Not to mention she was never truly alone, her twin brother Lysander would never let her forget it.

Lysander Lannister was her twin brother and her better half. Tall, lean, and fair with curly blond-haired, he was to fulfill his father's hopes and ambitions. Though he was the heir to Casterly Rock he entrusted his sister with the details while he was off with his friends chasing pretty girls. Unlike their younger twin siblings Jaime and Cersei, Lord Tywin's elder twins had something other than themselves on their minds.

She loved to wander the halls of Casterly Rock and hear the sounds of the waves as they crashed against the shore. But today she could seldom afford to go about her usual business. One of her handmaids had told her that the maester had told her there was news from King's Landing. Lord Tywin Lannister had put his trust into his eldest daughter, and from the reports he received, she was not disappointing. Though his hopes rested on his sons Lysander and Jaime, Amara was every bit her brother's equal.

"Maester Volarik, I was told you had news from King's Landing."

"Indeed I do my lady. Your father has sent word from King's Landing. He wishes for you and Lady Cersei to join him at court." She brushes back a strand of hair. Her father had never discussed bringing either of them to Kings Landing. The king had been going against the advice of his Hand for several years. Whatever Lord Tywin wanted, King Aerys would always choose the opposite. Whether or not it was the right thing to do.

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